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"Thought I'd found a way out. But you never go away." -Lovely, Billie Eilish, Khalid.

※ Eliana's POV ※

The first thing I did when I returned from Hell was to call my dad. I had missed him very much, and I had to hear his voice.

I broke down crying like a little child when I heard his sleepy, rough voice on the phone. After catching up with him, I told him that I wanted to come to Athens to see him but he refused because of my classes.

He told me that he would come over to Thessaloniki, after an important meeting that he had on Friday.

It's been three weeks since I returned home.

I have to admit that it was hard to adjust at first. And it was even harder to leave my house. I kept jumping whenever I heard a sound, I kept avoiding people in the streets and the university, and I always looked over my shoulder. Even when I was home alone.

I was afraid of the shadows, of sounds, of people. Basically, of everything. My own damn shadow terrified me.

Sometimes I would get lost in my own thoughts, thinking that maybe this is a dream or that Lucifer built an alternate reality of my life, so he can keep me in Hell. Then I would scowl at myself for even thinking like that. And Kara would tell me that if she was in Hell, she would feel it.

Now that I mentioned Kara, I and her really started to bond. We talked about lots of things since she already knew everything in my life. She told me about her past, about my mom, and how she would summon her when I was asleep to talk to her without me knowing.

We discussed about Lucifer, Hades, Diagon, Cerberus, the souls, the levels of Hell... basically everything that I wanted to know.

Or needed to know.

She told me that Lucifer, just like every other angel, was supposed to receive a mate as a gift from God. All the other angels though had another angel for their mate. And in case that you haven't noticed, I don't have wings.

Kara told me about a prophecy that was about Lucifer's curse to never receive a soulmate. That he was the fallen one, the evil one, the mateless one. It was said that God cast him out of Heaven for all eternity and threw him in the pits of Hell to deal with the evil souls of Earth. After that he swore to never give him a soulmate, to never let him be happy again.

Lucifer found out about the prophecy and became so furious at God, that he shut the gates of Hell, keeping souls from entering. Eventually, God had to intervene so he sent over a few angels to open the gates.

Lucifer took them as hostages and put them in cages, demanding to speak to God. And so God showed himself in the gates of Hell, knocking on Hell's door.

And this was the last time that Lucifer and God ever spoke. That was the last time Lucifer saw him. And everyone else as well.

He freed the angels, opened the gates, and resumed his job like nothing ever happened.

The story shocked me greatly and although it did answer some of my questions, it surfaced some new ones. Like why am I, a human, his mate? What did they talk about? What did God say? Why did Lucifer receive a mate even though the prophecy said otherwise? 

All those questions and others swirled around in my mind, coming and going daily. 

A day never passed by without my mind drifting to Lucifer. Sometimes I would catch myself thinking back at all those horrible things he did to me and the only thing I felt was hatred towards him. Some other times I would catch myself reminiscing the few adequate moments we had together, and I could feel my heart sting and the back of my head burn.

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