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""Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.""

Ishika pov

He went to his office and asks me that he will be here by six in evening. I am very happy to meet my family, though dad said everything is ok between us but I still feel that he is still angry on me.

We, means me, mom, Bhabhi, Rashika and Bhai, he came back from office in afternoon, chatted whole day. Mom makes my favorite dishes. Now it's the time for him to come. Everyone was here but I am still missing my squad, my best friends. They all were angry on me when they get to know about my marriage with Rudra, so they don't came to the wedding, which means they don't know about my marriage with Ranveer, but I have to make everything right.

I went to my room and dialed my bestie no.1 Yashika Dhingra. She picks up the call on 4th bell.

"Why did you call?" she said still angry.

"I know you all were angry on me but I have to tell you something please." I said.

"Speak!" she replied.

"I can't tell you on phone, please take all of them and came to bistro our old spot. Just last time please, I want to show you all something. It's very important." I requested.

"Ok. When?" she said.

"In one hour." I said and she cut the call. And I went downstairs.

After 15 minutes Ranveer has arrived, he sat and talk to everyone. After 20 minutes we bid our goodbye and sat in the car.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"good." He said

"Uhm..." I said.

"What happen?" he asked glancing towards me.

"Uh I want you to meet my friends, they are angry with me that I am marrying that... Idiot, so they stop talking me and now I want you to meet them for which they forgive me." I said looking towards him.

He stops the car on red light and rotates himself towards me. He looks directly in my eyes and asked,

"How many people are angry on you for marrying him?"

"I think everyone." I said. And he raised his eyebrow.

"If no one is happy, then why did you going to marry him?" He asked and starts driving.

"Erm... you really want to know?" I asked.

"Only if you want to tell." He said.

"Uh... erm..." I took a deep breath and said.

"I was going to marry him for like few months, then I will divorce him." I said and the car stops abruptly because of sudden break and he looks at me wide eyes.


"If you have to divorce him in few months then why are you going to marry him Ishika?" He asked and parks the car on side of the road and completely moves towards me.

"It's a secret." I said.

"What secret?" he asked raising one of his eyebrow.

"Dad said that if I didn't marry in coming two months then he will make me marry someone of his choice. So I think why don't marry current boyfriend and after few months I will file divorce against him. Simple." I replied.

"So you were doing all this because you don't want to marry someone of your dad choice." He asked.

"Yes, because he is boring and he will make me marry someone like him who is also boring but I don't want my life to be boring, so I came up with this plan but that moron ran away and my plan waste." I said.

"So you don't love him?" he asked with an emotion in his eyes. Hope?

"Yes. I don't love him." I said and he smile widely, like he won a lottery. What happen to him?

"Please, don't tell anyone about it. No one knows about it except me and you." I requested. And he nodded.

"Ok, so let's go to bistro, my friends were waiting." I said and we went to bistro.

In 20 minutes we reached our destination. My friends were waiting; they were shocked seeing me with Ranveer, as they knew about my crush on him.

"Hi guys, meet my husband, Ranveer Kapoor. And Ranveer, they are my besties. She is Ayesha Verma, Shweta Pathak, Yashika Dhingra, and last one is Shruti Batra." I said they all handshake with Ranveer. Then they all hug me happily and said bravo girl! , whoa girl you marry your crush, congratulations, etc. near my ear so only I can hear.

We all talk for another half an hour and Ranveer invite them all for our reception tomorrow and they all agreed we both take our leave and came out of the bistro. And I did the unexpected thing, I literally hug him, first he seems to shock as he doesn't hug me back, but when I start pulling myself back due to embarrassment he hug me back tightly.

"Thank you." I said still hugging him.

"For what?" he asked.

"For everything. First you protect my family reputation by marrying me, and then because of you my friends are talking to me. Thank you." I said and pull back the hug.

We both reach home in an hour. We ate dinner, and then went to our room and sleep.

Ranveer pov

I am very happy today; I don't have any words to express my feelings. First I get to know that she doesn't love that idiot Rudra which means she will open up her heart for me and second she hug me for exactly "four minutes twenty nine seconds" which seems like few seconds.

I am ecstatic with the little improvement that she open up to me, tell me about her reason to marry him. But I am delighted because if he doesn't ran away she would never be mine and I never get to know about her plan and mom and dad will make me to marry someone I don't love,

This wedding maybe arrange for Ishika but its love for me because I have married the love of my life. (Wink, smirk).

I woke up the next morning completely fresh; she is not in the maybe downstairs. I went to washroom for bath, after 30 minutes I am ready. I have to prepare a surprise for her.

Pull up your socks Ranveer and start preparations for the surprise. I went downstairs, complete my breakfast and went to office.

At 4:45 pm, I have completed my preparations. I went to home, my wife is nowhere seen. Where is she?

"She is getting ready in guest room, makeup artist and hair designers have come to prepare her for the occasion. Go brother, get ready. In case you forget today is your wedding reception." Gautam said smirking. How he get to know I am looking for my wife, am I that obvious.

I glare at him and went to our room.


"To know when to go away and when to come closer is the key to any lasting relationship."


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