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The truth feelings for you, are never gonna change.

I will always be in love with you.

After everything it will always be YOU.


You are asleep from past six months, how I wish you would be here with me, not in another world, stroking my back and running your fingers through my hair just like you used to do every night. Our legs tangled beneath this silk sheet, as I gently scratch my nails in your beard, while giving you little pecks here and there, just to see the pink forming around your ear. And there are so many things I could say to you, do to you, about how I want to make plans for you, me and our baby.

The ache inside me keeps on increasing as I look at the person who make me realize all the things, I thought I would never have.

I know you are asleep, you are close to me yet miles away, but I promise you Ranveer, even if I have to walk through all your dreams, I'll be seeing you soon. This time your Ishika will snatch you from everyone whoever will try to take you away from me.

Your Ishika will wait for you here........ even it takes our whole life, just... just come soon to me, to us... Ranveer.

Almost six months have passed, but there is no improvement in him. I have returned an hour or so back from my business trip. and now I am lying on my bed looking at the person whom I love so much, lying lifelessly with so many tubes injected with, in coma, anyone can mistake him to be dead if not for the ECG machine and the movement of his ribs moving up and down. he has been like this from past five months, my eyes moistens as I remember that dreadful day of my life.

Flashback to the day to incident

"arghhh!!!" I mumbled in pain as my head start hurting like hell. I tightly closed my eyes and slowly open them, blinking a few times to get accustomed with the white light and hold my head as another painful whimper left my mouth.

"Doctor, doctor, see fast. Ishika woke up." Familiar voice rang through my ear as I look around distracting myself from the budding pain, and found myself on the hospital bed, Gautam yelling at the intercom, while looking at me.

I look down as to get comfortable and saw myself in heavy lehnga when all memory came running back to me and I yelled,

"Ranveer!!!" Gautam came running to me as I start getting up from the bed, stopping me in middle. Doctor comes inside and start checking me much to my dismay, and soon let me go after much persuasion.

I ran outside and went to the floor where Ranveer's operation was going, as I reached there, I saw, mom, dad, few relatives and most importantly Leonardo, pacing around the closed gate. He saw me and embrace me in a tight hug and I let my tears out, as I cried hysterically, asking him to call Ranveer to me.

"Ishika stop crying, if you will cry like this, then this will have a bad impact on your baby......... At least for the baby stop crying. Ranveer will be okay in no time." Leo said wiping my teary face and made me sit beside mom, who also embrace me tightly.

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