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jasmine's pov, jade's pov
the solvent continued...

"Great can you guys get out of my house? Mostly Tori because your face." I forced a wince. Tori let out a frustrated sigh as she stomped out of my room.

It was finally after school and I was meeting up with Beck so we could go to the factory to get the solvent.

"Jasmine!" Someone yelled. I turned around and shuddered at Tori's face as she ran towards me. It still has the monstrous thing on it. "How fast can you get there because the play starts in two hours."

"Well." I gritted my teeth. "It take two hours to get thereee sooo."

"TWO HOURS?!" Tori yelled. I fought the urge to wrestle her.

"Would you QUIT YELLING AT ME!" I yelled back. "I'll be back in two hours." I said before turning around and walking towards the exit of the building. I walked out into the parking lot and saw Beck leaning on his car waiting for me. He took the toothpick out of his mouth and tossed it aside as I got closer. He opened the door without a word and I climbed into the car. He quickly walked around the car got in.


"You know I used to think that I broke up with Jade because I hated arguing with her." Beck shot me a glance and I nodded. "Know I'm not to sure why we broke up."

"So you wanna get back together with her?" I asked with a questioning smile. He smiled back.

"No i- I didn't say that." He smiled searching for the right words. "I'm just- just starting to question my reasoning for breaking up with her." I nodded

"Mhmm. And why are you telling me this again?" I joked. Beck let out a small laugh.

"Because you." He pointed at me and shot me soft and heart-warming glance. "because you are here with me."  I lowered me head and covered my face with my hair as I blushed. My phone rang ruining the moment and when I looked up to grab my phone out of the cup holder I saw Beck still smiling at me glancing at the road every now and then.

"Dude keep your eyes on the road." I said as we shared a chuckled. I picked up my phone and swiped accept call. "Hello Tori."

"where are you the play starts in 15 mintues!" Tori whisper yelled.

"We are almost there hold you monstrous face." I snapped. Tori sighed.

"Okay okay I'll see you soon." She whispered before she hung up. I returned my phone back to the cup holder and looked at Beck who was STILL smiling.

"What" I asked. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Oh nothing your just aesthetically pleasing to my eyes." He complimented.

"Beck- focus on the road." I said.


Beck and I ran to the black box theatre and we were there a bit late.

Well we missed the whole play

Tori was performing the song at the end of the play. We motioned to her until we got her attention. She danced to the side of the stage leaving me and Beck no choice to cringe. I held up the solvent to Tori's face and she clapped and let out a sigh of relief.

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