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jasmine's pov
3 months later
Secert Santa

RECAP: I rubbed my face out of frustration. "I'm bisexual and neither of my parents would ever accept they already don't like me now and i don't want to add on to the reasons that they shouldn't." I sobbed. I paused to take a breath. "And then theres Jasmine. I think I love her and I know she would never love me back because she's one into you and she doesn't like girls." Beck just pulled me into a hug after my rant and I continued to cry into his chest. He comforted me as he usually does. I don't know how he puts up with me sometimes.

"its okay everythings gonna be okay."

I walked downstairs to my mom finishing up putting Christmas decorations up on the tree. 

"Good Morning Jazzy." She smiled I smiled back and gave her a hug. She pulled away and took a good look at my outfit. "Arent you like 17? Why are you wearing rudolph onesie."

"Good morning to you too mom." I said back and she just chuckled. "What are your plans for the day?"

"Well I have to finish getting everyone presents. Do you want to come?" She asked picking up the empty box that was by her foot. I shook my head.

"I said this before and i'll said it again i'm never ever going Christmas shopping with you ever agian." I said jokingly. My mother mocked me before picking up the empty box and carrying it to the basement. I sprinted to the kitchen to see what there was for breakfast. There was nothing on the table and nothing in the fridge. "Mom! Mom? MUMMA?"

"What do you want now?" She asked with an annoyed look on her face. 

"Can you make pancakes?" I asked batting my eyelashes. She rolled her eyes. 

"If i do that you washing the dishes after." My mother stated pointing at the sink with her thumb. I nodded and ran back up the stairs two stairs at a time.

~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~

Christmas was a week away and i bet you Robbie was dressed up as an elf or something. I shoved my bag in my locker and started my journey to his class when an arm snaked around my shoulders. Beck. I smiled and looked up at him.

"Hello Jazzy." He said triedly looking straight ahead. "I saw your mom at Target yesterday." I crinkled my face in confusion.

"That's- That's nice?" Was all i managed to get out.

"I know what she's getting you for Christmas." He looked at me stifling a laugh. 

"Oh I bet I know what it is." I chuckled. Beck opened the door to Sikowitz's class room letting me go in first. 

"Alright young lovers of learning and short pants!" Sikowitz announced as he walked through the door of his class room as I found my seat next to Tori. The whole class groaned. I looked over at Robbie wearing a Santa costume. 

Poor Rex man.

"I do love short pants." Cat laughed. Jade looked at her.

"Yeah guess what i love?" She asked Cat while taking a sip of her coffee. 

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