22. The Full Moon...

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As he looked down at his erection his desire halted and a frown marred his brow.

In the softly lit room he noticed the dark spots on the sheet. Was it blood, he frowned. Switching on the table lamp he looked again at the stain and it was indeed blood. There was some on his erection too.

"What happened?" Lilly asked as she tried to get up.

"Are you... hurt somewhere?"

She moved her legs a little and looked at him. "A little sore."

"Are you, by any chance a... virgin?"

Her eyes fluttered as a deep red crawled up her cheeks. She hadn't expected this question. As she looked down she noticed the blood drops and her cheeks turned scarlet. Taking a deep breath she looked at him with confidence. After all being a virgin wasn't a bad thing or something to be embarrassed of.

''Yes. By all chances I was a virgin."

"Why didn't you tell me before?" he couldn't believe his sexy little wife who is so sensual and responsive to his each and every touch was a virgin. This was the first in all his 29 years that he had sex with virgin.

"When we discussed the terms of our agreement we agreed on 'No intimacy' clause."

" I never said that." he denied her statement. "What made you think that I wouldn't want to touch my beautiful wife?" he said giving a teasing smile.

If it was possible for her cheeks to flush even more than it was happening now. She replayed the terms and conditions of their contract and realised he was right. They had never talked about the topic of intimacy because she had never thought it would come to this.

"Then what do you think, Mr king I would have introduced myself like?  Hello Mr King, my name is Lilly Jones and at the age of 21 I'm still a virgin." she smiled sarcastically as she stretching her hand towards him for a handshake.

He couldn't control his laugh at this. Laughing he pulled her from her hand and she collided with his hard chest.
"You never cease to amaze me, Mrs Lilly King."
God! she was amazing. Much much better than he had ever thought her to be. She was an enchantress.

" Ashton." she whispered.

"Stop squirming."

" I can't help it. It's...poking me." she said as her fingers curled on his chest.

Pulling her back he planted a soft kiss on her lips. Now he understood the reason behind her cry when he first entered her. He felt his chest bubble with happiness as his ego inflated at the fact that he was her first lover. The first man who made her feel like this. He wanted to keep kissing the sweetness of her mouth and start all over again but keeping in mind her recently lost innocence he knew he shouldn't.

"No matter how much I would love a second round your body needs rest." he said while getting off the bed. ''I'll use the washroom first."

"You are...erm.. still hard. Does it hurt?" she asked looking at his retreating back.

He stopped in his tracks as he turned his head to look at his wife. Her body soft as silk, tousled mass of her silky hair, soft and swollen lips and the genuine wonder in her eyes. He wanted to touch her again and the thought did no good to the tightening in his body.

"Don't." he said as he pointed his finger at her. "Tempt me."

" I didn't do anything!" she protested in between her laughs.

He turned around and walked towards the bed and picked her up in his arms. She squealed in surprise and shock at his sudden move.
"What are you doing?" she questioned as he pushed the bathroom door open.

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