32. The New Feelings...

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Just as she turned her eyes towards the sofa something caught her attention. She saw a small medicine bottle tucked at the far end of the sofa.
Picking it up she googled the name of the medicine and found it was used for the treatment of PTSD.

"So last night wasn't a once in a while episode of attack. He suffers from those nightmares and panic attacks frequently. Even after so many years, he hasn't forgotten his mother's death." Lilly's heart ached for him.

Ashton King, who always looked so sure of his decisions, so strong and always in control... just one incident of his childhood left him so deeply scarred for the rest of his life. How difficult it must have been to live with something like that, she felt a pang at that.

'Would he ever tell me a little more about his past? Last night it was under the influence of alcohol that he had revealed that piece of past about his mother's death.'
But this morning they both had acted as if last night had not happened at all. As if he hadn't suffered a panic attack. But for how long were they both going to act like that. For how long were they both going to hide from this scar of the past and pretend like it wasn't there.

She had wanted him to open up to her about his fears and about the things that hurt him but would he ever do that, she wondered. People who suffer from PTSD often feel embarrassed about talking about it to anyone and the man here in question was Ashton King, a man of power, affluence and control. He would never talk about it, she was sure of it.

She had read somewhere to never force a person suffering from PTSD to accept anything that they don't want to and Ashton at this moment didn't want his condition to be known to her. So she decided that she would just wait for the right time. She would wait for the time he decides to tell her on his own.


Ashton returned home after the day's long work. Recently he had come to realise that returning home early to Lilly and Samuel had become his favourite part of the day. He smiled to himself as he rang the bell and Grace opened the door.

He greeted Grace and smiled at the toddler sitting in midst of a sea of toys in the living room.

"Hey, Sam." Ashton smiled at the baby.

As the boy heard his voice he looked up at him and smiling said something in his incomprehensible language.

"I'll take that as you said 'welcome home'."  Ashton laughed as he tickled the boy and raised him high up in the air. Sam squealed in happiness and joy.

"Sam." hearing his squeal Lilly came out of the kitchen and smiled at the duo playing with each other.

Ashton looked at the woman who was responsible for the recent changes in his life. The woman who little by little made changes in his life that he had now come to appreciate. He walked to her and placed a small kiss on her lips making her blush.
Oh! He loved the way she reacted to him.

''Hey! what are you doing?" she asked trying to sound admonishing.

"Getting a ''welcome home kiss" from my wife." he grinned.

"Ashton! Grace and Sam are watching," Lilly said slowly trying to make him understand.

"It's alright, my lovelies. I didn't see anything and neither did Sam." Grace winked at them as she picked up the toddler in her arms. ''Right, Sam?"

Sam laughed and clapped his hands at that.

"I'll go and freshen up now," Ashton announced as he left for his room.

After the dinner, Lilly was standing in the garden looking up at the moon which was now in its waning phase. She had never thought that there would come a time in her life when she would stand still and admire the beauty of the moon.

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