Chapter 38

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Chapter 38:

4 Months Later !!!!

Anaira was in her sister-in-law's room. She was playing with her neice who was almost 2 months old now.

Everyone were very excited and happy at Anaira's house with the arrival of this new member. For Anaira, playing with her niece was like a therapy. It made her forget about a certain someone for a bit.

They were planning to do the naming ceremony pooja next month. Her brother and sister-in-law had not revealed what they were going to name the baby. For now they all addressed the baby with their own favourite pet names.

Anaira's mom had asked Anaira to meet few guys for marriage alliances but she had tried to escape giving some or the other reasons. She was successful so far.

"Ma, I need to feel something when I look at that person. But all these photos that you've shown I never felt anything in my heart when I look at them." this was her standard reason.

Her mom was getting tired of her reasons and stubbornness.

"Anu, this is not a movie. This is life. Here you don't feel anything as soon as you look at a person. That too just by looking at someone's photo, you won't know anything. You need to meet and talk to them." her mother had told her.

Anaira knew she wouldn't be able to escape for long. But she was thankful that after Sneha gave birth to the baby her mother's concentration was diverted from her marriage to taking care of the baby for now.

Also Anaira's mom and Aditya's mom had become good friends now. They often spoke on phone. Anaira also spoke to her atleast once in a week.

She knew that Aditya was back in India. He had never tried contacting her and vice versa.


It was Anaira's birthday and she had taken leave from office. She had decided to spend the day with her family. She didn't want a big celebration and had convinced her mother not to invite anyone.

Everyone had wished her. But somewhere in her heart she wanted him to wish her. But he had not.

Aditya's parents had called her to wish as well. But he hadn't.

She spent most of her time taking care of the baby and playing with her.

In the evening she cut the cake and they all enjoyed a special dinner.

"Oh, I forgot to mention something. I met Aditya at the office today. He said he had come to Delhi for a meeting and also had to discuss something with me regarding a project." Anaira's dad mentioned once they were sitting in the living room and relaxing after the dinner.

"Why didn't you invite him to come home?" her mom asked.

"I did. I told him it's Anaira's birthday and he can join the celebrations. But he said he was in a hurry and he had to catch a flight back to Mumbai." her dad told which broke her heart.

He knew it was her birthday. He was here in Delhi but he neither wished her nor he wanted to see her. Anaira controlled the tears that appeared in her eyes. She didn't want to cry on her birthday.

After she went back to her room, she sat down at the balcony thinking. After all he wasn't obligated to wish her. And she had no reason to be upset that he hadn't wished her.

But who's gonna tell that to her heart? It had it's own ways. Always looking for reasons to get hurt.

Anaira didn't let her tears fall. She switched on the music on her phone listening to her favourite songs on the earphone, she tried to divert her mind.

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