Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

It was lunch break at the office. Anaira didn't know what to do or where to go. She went and saw that the cafeteria was full and buzzing with employees. She thought for few seconds whether to go in or just leave from there.

She didn't like places filled with lot of people. She felt nervous and she usually took some time to get adjusted. Even with new people she took some time to get comfortable. She wasn't someone who could make friends easily. She took time to get to know them. But once she was comfortable, nothing could stop her.

She braced herself and entered the cafeteria. She ordered a corn cheese sandwich and looked around to see if she can find a place to sit. Most of the tables were occupied by small groups of employees. She wished she had someone with her too. She felt odd and left out at that place.

She came out of her trance when someone tapped on her shoulder. "Hey!" someone tapped on her shoulder again. She turned around to see a very beautiful girl looking at her.

"Is this your sandwich?" the girl asked Anaira.

"Uh, yes. Sorry I was a bit lost." Anaira replied taking her sandwich from the counter. The food here was free so she didn't have to pay. She just had to swipe her card.

"No worries. Are you new here? I haven't seen you around here." the girl from before replied.

"Yes, I'm new here. I joined today. I'm Anaira by the way." Anu introduced herself.

"Oh! that's great. Welcome to our company. My name is Simran." Simran told with a smile. She looked at Anaira and found that she was confused. Simran remembered her first day here. She was confused and lost too.

"Would you like to join me for lunch?" Simran asked Anaira.

Anu looked back at Simran and she felt relieved. She found someone to sit with and she was happy.

"Sure, thank you so much. I was feeling very lost and lonely here." Anu replied.

"Don't worry, I know that feeling." Simran replied with a smile. They went to the nearby table and sat there having their lunch.

They started talking about random things. Simran asked her about her day. Anu briefly told her how her day had been till then. When they were almost done with the lunch, Anaira told Simran that she had to meet her boss now and asked her help to find his cabin.

"Which department are you going to work for?" Simran asked.

"I'm going to be working under Mr. Aditya Kapoor. I'm an intern and he's going to be my mentor." Anaira replied. She saw a shocked expression on Simran's face. "What happened? Why do you look so surprised?" She asked Simran.

"I can't believe this. I work as the personal assistant to Adi sir." Simran replied. "I guess we'll be seeing each other a lot." She added with excitement.

"Omg! That's awesome." Anu exclaimed.

They both walked towards Aditya's cabin. When they reached near the cabin Simran told "This is Adi sir's cabin. Be careful, he can be a bit tough at times. All the best, Anaira."

"Thank you. You can call me Anu." Anaira replied smiling.

Simran replied "Okay, Anu!" and embraced Anaira in a friendly hug.

Anu prayed to God to not get her into any trouble and entered Aditya's cabin.

END of Chapter 5!

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