Chapter 4: Magic Ceremony

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Josephine POV:

It's been about one month since I started learning both swordsmanship and the technique of the double dagger. 

My teacher, Jake, one of the best knights working for our family, has been assigned to teach me. He told me that I picked up things extremely fast and that I'm pretty good.

I mean, what would you expect? I was a mafia for crying out loud.

Apart from training my fighting skills, mother invited a tutor for my studies. As Sarah, I was a scholar so it was easy. I also remembered my past studies as Josephine, like Etiquette and History. 

So basically I aced everything, even mother and father was shocked at how good I was.

A month past and another came, soon my Magic Ceremony came around. 

I seriously don't remember what Magic I have.

But I do remember the types that exist. There are 3 categories. 

Regulars are the common elements.

Irregulars are somewhat less common but a few people still have them

Mythicals are powers that are extremely rare and special.












Light magic

Dark magic

Creation Magic

Lightning Magic

Most people, both commoners and Nobles, just have one elemental magic, but there are quite a few that have 2. 

The people who have 2 are called Duo-users. 

There are also people with 3 elemental magics, they're called tri-users, but They're extremely rare, there hasn't been one in the last 500 years.

Until recently. 

I remember my tutor telling me that last year there was a boy who was a tri-user, but she didn't remember his name.

But whatever, it's none of my business.

I can't wait to find out what I have.....I can't say I remember.

Micheals (Josephines father) POV:

Ever since Josephine fell down the stairs and bumped her head she's been different, but it was in a good way.

She was spoiled before, she was a happy child but defiantly spoiled. It was both Clares and my fault, she's just so cute that we couldn't scold her.

But now, she's being polite to everyone and she's interacting with Me and Clare more than before.

Her behaviour isn't the only thing that's changed though.

That night Josephine and Jaime came to my office telling me about the assassin coming after her was shocking. 

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