Chapter 29: Complicated feelings

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Made a new cover because someone had the same picture as me. I get that alot of covers are the same but I just didn't want that 😭😭😭

So I just changed it.


enjoy the chapter.


3rd person POV:

As the 3rd year of Josephines Academic life proceeds, so does the boys first year as offical Adults.

Edgar though can't think of anything but Josephine and Luke. It's clear Josephine has feelings for Luke but Edgar isn't sure about the other way around.

As expected, some will know about the kiss Luke gave Josephine when she transformed, and it eventually reached Edgars ears making him mad with jealousy.

Luke and Josephine are especially close now, training together, Luke going to her estate and all. Even the knights say they're close during formal events.

Edgar once thought that since Luke was dating Selina, Josephine would give up since they always fought during that period of time, but little did he know, Luke didn't really like Selina and broke up with her when Josephine was unconscious.

'Dang it! I'm losing her!'

Josephines POV:

The first 2 terms of third year in the academy is probably the best, no distractions, no guys annoying me, Selina isn't appearing in-front of me, nothing is going bad.

During the term 2 spring break I was able to go home Nd finally see my parents and brother. It's now the second time that I've been away from my brother.

"Where's my baby sister." Alex comes to welcome me with open arms. Literally. He's asking fro a hug.

"You are only 1 year younger you know?" I reply to his request and hug him back.

"How's school?"

"It's absolutely great without you and the boys, no demons, no attacks, no drama. It's been the best half year so far in the Academy."

"Geez, ouch."

I start laughing at his reaction and we started to catch up.

During the 3 week break, I've been hanging with Alex and Amy, Luke would sometimes come over to Hang with us and he and I would occasionally spar per my request to see where I stand. Unfortunately I'm not as good as him.

I've also been training my transformation with mother in secret, progress is slow and it's very tiring. But I'm getting there.

Edgar has been poring in and out sometimes, but the thing is I feel like he's a-lot colder than usual.

Today is another day where Luke and I spar. To be honest, every time I hang out with him I start liking him more. Gosh, why do people have feelings for other humans? 

He and I spar until on side collapses and can't go on anymore. And I mean me.

"Geez Luke, you tire me out way too much."

"You asked for it."

"Shut up."

He walks over and pulls me up, a bit too hard though and I bang my head to his chest.


"What? My muscles too hard?" He smirks

"Shut up. I've seen better."

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