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Marie slashed a couple more Titans before hearing the bell of a temporary retreat.


Marie landed on a roof and saw her squadmates on the roof before her. 

"I thought I heard the bell of a temporary retreat... Why is no one climbing the walls?"

On the rooftop next to her stood Mikasa who was looking at HQ. Marie turned around and saw that HQ was surrounded by Titans.

Marie slightly widened her eyes and she went to Mikasa.

"So almost everyone is out of gas?" Marie signed.

"Yeah... What is the resupply team doing?"

"They're probably too scared to move. HQ is surrounded by Titans and those cowards are just thinking about themselves."

Marie looked around and saw that most of the squads were wiped out. Most of the veterans were dead but some of the trainees were alive. She looked at everyone and saw that Armin was sitting hopelessly against a wall.


Marie flew off towards Armin and his energy was filled with fear and sadness. She landed next to him and held his face to make him look at her.

"What happened. Are you hurt?"

Right at that moment, Mikasa landed next to them as well.

"Are you hurt?" Mikasa asked him.

Armin started to silently cry when the realization came to Marie.

"Eren is... Dead?"

Marie grabbed his hand as comfort.

"Where is Eren?" Mikasa asked. "Armin?"

Armin looked up to Mikasa with tears streaming down his eyes.

"So Eren is dead..."

Mikasa realized and she looked at Armin with a shocked face.

"The other 5 members of trainee corps squad 34... Have died valiantly in the line of duty!" Armin was shaking and Marie couldn't believe what she'd just heard. She held his hand more tightly and one tear was falling from her eye.

"Eren sacrificed himself for me... I couldn't do anything! I'm sorry..."

Mikasa knelt down and looked at him with dead eyes.

"Armin... Calm down. This isn't the time to be emotional. Now stand up." Mikasa said.

Marie helped Armin to get him up and Mikasa went right back to action.

"Marco, If we eliminate the Titan's swarming HQ, then we can refuel and climb the walls. Isn't that right?" Mikasa said.

"Yeah. But there are so many Titans around it. Even with you and Marie... It will be hard." Marco said to Mikasa.

"We can do it. I am strong. Stronger than you guys. Therefore I can defeat the Titans."

Marie stood up and went to Mikasa.

"You guys are not only weak... But you are cowards. I am disappointed in you. You guys just stay here. Stay here and watch." Mikasa said. "You too Marie. Someone has to defeat the incoming Titans and these cowards here won't do anything anyway."

"Aren't you going a little crazy? Mikasa... This isn't just a little something." Marie thought.

"Are you nuts? You can't possibly defeat all those Titans!" One of the trainees said.

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