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[ H A R R Y ]
I try to find Nylah as I haven't seen her for a while

I start walking around the whole apartment checking each room before I arrive at the living room and see that Ethan is there on the couch with her

I notice she has fallen asleep on him

I instantly feel a rush of jealousy flooding through me like a tsunami

"Oi lad give me a hand" Ethan says calling me over as he signals to Nylah asleep on his arm

As Ethan moves away I gently try and rest her down but she wakes up

"Shit sorry did I wake you up?" I asked her as she rubbed her eyes

"I don't think so" she says giving me a sleepy smile

"I'm heading off now guys so I'll see you" Ethan says hastily

"Bye Ethan, thanks for the chat by the way" Nylah says confusing me

"Anytime" he smiles before I say goodbye to him

"What chat?" I ask looking down at her sat on the couch

"Harry" she says softly as she looks up at me

"Yeah?" I ask her nervously

"Do you still love Katie?" She asks me and I wonder how she knows but then it clicks

It must've been her chat with Ethan...

"Ethan told you?" I ask her as I'm so mad with him, I was going to tell her eventually

"Don't be mad with him please, he is trying to be a good friend to the both of us" she says softly

I nod before I answer her

"She was my first and only love. I have known her since I was much much younger. I think I will always love her" I admit and I see her look down to the ground

"Are you in love with her?" She asks me and I don't even have to think

"No" I say shaking my head

"Was she why you were crying in your room and you said you couldn't tell me" she asks me as she fiddles with the hem of her dress

"Yeah. I wasn't crying because I miss her I was crying because I didn't know what to do. I don't know what you and me are and I didn't know how you would react so I didn't want to tell you" I try to explain

"If I had of known you didn't want me to go to see her then I wouldn't have" I add

"But Harry, you know I don't mind that you saw her don't you?" She asks me smiling

"You don't?" I ask shocked

"No, I know about your guys history and I respect you have unfinished business. I don't care where you go, what you do, who you see. It's up to you what you do" she shrugs whilst smiling at me

"It's just the lying and the sneaking around Harry. It's bothering me more the fact that you just didn't tell me that's all" she says

Fuck she is so understanding I don't deserve her

"I literally don't deserve you" I say chuckling

"I could say the same about you. It's cute to be honest how you tried to protect my feelings though" she replies

"I'm just some youtuber Nylah from Guernsey" I say looking down to the floor

"Hey Mr Harold Lewis" she says laughing softly as she climbs over to be next to me

"As you once said to Freezy about his mum"

"Don't undersell yourself" she chuckles as her thumb brushes against my cheek

I just smile at her before our lips connect yet again

I feel her smile into our kiss as I place my hand on the side of her face

"God how many times am I gonna interrupt you two?" Freezy asks as he approaches us

Nylah giggles as she pulls away from the kiss

"Guys!" Lux calls out as he enters the living room

I guess everyone has now left

"Yeah?" Nylah asks laughing confused what lux is on about

"It's my last night here" he says pretending to look sad but actually looks like he is on top of the world

"Oh yeah don't look too sad about it" freezy says sarcastically

"It'll be nice you know to have my own space" he says slumping on the couch

"Yeah I get you" I say nodding

"Oh so you lot don't like me now is that what it is?" Freezy laughs shaking his head

"Don't worry I like you Freezy" Nylah laughs

"Aye At least one of yous does" he says as both him and Nylah share a fist bump

"Anyways I'm off to bed now I'm knackered" lux says as I look at the clock and see it's 3am


Haha didn't realise it was so late

"Yeah I'm tired too I might go to bed if you two don't mind" freezy says standing up

"No of course we don't mind" I smile at him

"Goodnight Freezy!" Nylah calls out to him

"Night!" I shout too

"I best get going too, don't want to keep you up" Nylah says as she stands up to go to the apartment door to leave

"Nylah" I say as I follow behind her

She turns around and looks up at me

"Stay" I blurt out

"Hmm you want me to stay do you?" She asks smirking as she steps closer to me wrapping her arms around my neck

"Mhm" I hum as I snake my hips around her waist

"Just cant get enough of me can you?" She says as she connects our lips once again for like the one thousandth time tonight

"I've got two weeks without you so I gotta make the most of your company now" I say in between our kiss and I feel her smile against my lips as I guide her to my room not breaking our kiss as we stumble into my bedroom

I push her down onto my bed

"Wow your bed is really comfy" she giggles as we break our contact for a few seconds

"You know what?" I ask her before I crash my lips back down onto hers as I lay over the top of her

"What?" She whispers into the kiss

"You look gorgeous in this dress" I say as I make my way to her neck leaving kisses all over as I feel her grip tighten on my back

"T-thank you" she says stuttering on her words making me smile against her skin

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