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[ N Y L A H ]
I stumble outside the girls loos and I have a banging headache and I'm ready to go 'home'

I say home like that because I don't actually have a home in London anymore, I'm just staying in a hotel as this trip was a surprise for Mason otherwise I would stay with him

I mean I could still stay with him but I don't know, I don't want to

It would kind of feel like I've moved in with him for the next two weeks and I'm not ready for that

I decide to try and make my way outside to get an Uber back to my hotel but I accidentally stumble into this tall man

"Sorry" I apologise politely

"Oh it's you" he spits

"Do I know you?" I tilt my head

"No thank god. I know you're that so called model though aren't you" he laughs sarcastically

"So called?" I laugh

"You're not pretty enough, you're only where you are today because you slept your way to the top" he spits

"Excuse me? I have worked my way through grit and determination" I say folding my arms

"Bet your mummy is proud isn't she. She probably told you to do it" he says

I instantly feel vulnerable as The thoughts that I no longer have my mum flood my mind

"Just shut the fuck up and move out of my way you jumped up piece of shit" I demand as I try to walk past him but he stands in front of me and blocks my way

I look up at him and he smirks down at me

I don't like that smirk at all

"Move" I spit as I try to push him out of the way but he is too strong

"Fucking move man, you heard her. Back off" I hear someone behind me say as they push him out of the way for me

I turn around and notice it's Harry

"You're only saying that cos you're banging her" the dude remarks at Harry

"Just go home. You're wasted" Harry says grabbing the guy by the collar of his shirt before he actually walks away and disappears off into the distance

"Thanks" I smile at him before I begin to try and walk to the exit of the club

God this headache is a killer

I hear someone following behind me and I can only assume it's Harry

I'm grateful he got that guy to back off but can he just leave me alone?

I told him I don't want to talk

I stumble outside the club and the cold air hits me making me shiver

I get my phone out of my clutch bag to try and book an Uber to my hotel

"Are you okay?" I hear Harry's distinctive voice behind me

I don't reply I just nod before I look back down at my phone

"Will you be okay going home on your own?" He asks me noticing I'm not waiting for anyone

apartment block (w2s wroetoshaw) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu