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I sat in my usual spot on the couch in my living room, stuffing my face with chips.

"Why do you think he hasn't called yet?" Ace asked.

I just finished telling him that earlier today I stopped by Isaiah's house and saw their ladder propped up against it. Deciding to get a little payback for him sleeping on my couch with only briefs the other night, I tossed the ladder on the ground and left him stranded.

"Don't know. Maybe he didn't have his phone or he wasn't even up there." I shrugged, not really caring.

"Isaiah would have called one of us by now fuming if he was up there. You know he can clear the jump to the pool to get down, we used to do that all the time. What if it was his mom up there instead?" He stated.

"No way, Olivia is terrified of heights and ladders. Not a chance it was her. Plus Isaiah said he was heading over there to clean them when he left here earlier." I remember one time, a few years ago when Isaiah was in class, she called me to change a light bulb that went out in her kitchen. The woman can't even handle a step stool, let alone a real ladder.

"True." Ace laughs. "Mayb-" Ace gets cut off by a booming knock on the front door.

"Ah, speak of the devil." I joked. Swinging the door open I'm met with a pissed off Isaiah.

"You heartless bastard." He spits, bumping my shoulder as he storms into the house. God, touchy much.

"Oh don't be such a baby, you're fine." I snorted.

"Yeah, yeah I am fine. And you know why?" He grits out, his eyes spitting fire at me. I've never seen him this angry before. What the fuck is up with him?

"Woah, chill guys." Ace speaks up sensing the sudden tension in the room. Anyone could feel it, the room got heavy and dark real fast.

"What the fucks your problem, Isaiah. It's not that big of a deal." I argued, ignoring Ace's comment on 'chilling'. I'm pissed that he's pissed for no reason.

"I wasn't up there, Blake!" He yelled.

"The fucks the issue then?" I grab an empty can of soda off of the table and angrily throw it in the trash. I hate fighting with him, we mess around all the time, but this is real. He's actually pissed at me and I don't have a God damn clue why.

Like Ace was saying earlier, Isaiah could just jump into the pool, he'd be pissy because his clothes got wet but not like this. This is more.

"You didn't see the look on her face, Blake. Fuck, I want to punch you so bad right now." He sneers.

Her? What the fuck is he talking about? The only her at that house right now is Olivia, and no way would she climb that high. Maybe she got upset that I threw the ladder on the ground? But that really doesn't sound like Olivia.

"Ok, deep breaths. Let's calm down and you can tell us what's got you so riled up, Isaiah." Ace is now standing off to the side of us. Ready to step in if one of us decides to throw hands.

"Old man Jones hired a girl to mow his lawn. My mom decided to get her to clean the gutters since I've been slacking, and that asshole" He yelled pointing a finger at me. "stranded her up there for hours." He hissed.

Oh crap, that's definitely not the outcome I was expecting.

"Shit, is she pissed? I'll pay her for the time she was stuck up there." I wince. Last thing I wanted is for Olivia to get sued, it was supposed to be all in good fun.

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