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One | Fall

One | Fall

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I couldn't believe it was fall already, it seemed like only yesterday I was standing in the snow.

The seasons blurred together as each day faded into the next, like I blinked and everything just started to flash by without a care in the world. It's been a little under a year since the destruction happened, since Technoblade left, since the funeral. I still lived in my house in the woods, knowing I could move into the many new ones springing up inside of New L'Manburg, but chose not to.

For some reason, I clung to the feeling of freedom I had whenever I reached the forest, no matter how many times I did.

With Tubbo as president, New L'Manburg was booming. The towers and building that were built when the nation first was created, were rebuilt and reimagined. The new buildings were fixed, and houses were built for the new people who had traveled far and wide to see the rebuilt nation. Some claimed they heard Wilbur's explosion from miles away, others claimed they saw the light from the Withers. I had only met one out of five or six of the new folks, but they all seemed like pretty good people.

The one I met was named Fennen Long. He had black hair, shoulder length, brown eyes and a constant stubble lingering on his jaw. He was built like a fighter, carried a crossbow and a few arrows on him at all times, and he was one of the main people who helped rebuild L'Manburg, and was an easy person to like. Easy on the eyes as well, but not my type. He didn't have blue eyes that were brighter then the sky, or pink hair, or-

I think I am getting a little side tracked here..

The tree leaves had already shifted colors, most burning a vibrant red or murky yellow, they formed a path straight to my lonely house. The trees that stayed green were used as lantern holders, chains hanging from the branches to light a path back to and from L'Manburg. Animals were scurrying around, storing whatever food they could find away in their burrows for the winter quickly approaching. Though, most were just peacefully trotting along the fallen leaves as the sun slowly dipped behind the clouds.

Most nights, I'd be home already, covered under a blanket or asleep. I was always moving around and helping out when I could when rebuilding, chatting with my friends and visiting the small graveyard across the river, by the time I got home I was exhausted and didn't have time for anything else. Today was no different.

I was never without something to do, and that would stay that way until I said so. I stayed so busy all the time so I wouldn't fold in and find the bottom of a bottle starring back at me, so I wouldn't start drinking again. I stayed so busy because I didn't want to let my mind get the better of me, so I would always have something bigger on my mind.

I didn't have the time to think of everything I've lost, so I was never not busy.

Opening the door to my house and stepping inside, I find the lack of warmth soothing. It was always too hot outside. I peal off my sweatshirt and lay it over the couch, yawning as I went to the stairs that led up to my room, to my bed. Kicking off my boots and finding a shirt and pants to slip into before I pass out, I fold back the sheets just as the stars come out. I hear the subtle night sounds come out, the soft rustle as the forest animals retreat into their homes.

Slipping my hand under my pillow, I feel bunched up fabric sliding through my fingers. The fabric is soft and warm, almost like a blanket, but I know that is not what this is. No, this was a red cloak I found in the destruction after the bombs went off, after the man it belonged to left. I had plans to burn it, to throw it away so I never saw it again, but I couldn't let my fist loosen their hold on the tattered, red cloak. So instead, I fixed it. I fitted it so that it would match my body, so that it could clasp over one of my shoulders whenever I decided to wear it. So far, it hasn't made it past my pillow.

I knew what Technoblade did was terrible, that I shouldn't be holding onto this, but I couldn't let it go.

I wasn't ready to let it go, him go..

I was asleep before the clock hit twelve, hand knotted up in the cloak.

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