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twenty | Nothing

twenty | Nothing

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There was nothing left.

There was absolutely, fucking nothing left.

Dream stands with his stupid mask, and his stupid sword, and his stupid green sweatshirt. He stands with a smile, and an unused stick of dynamite. His hands were covered in brown dirt and black ash that was still falling from the sky.

I couldn't help but remember Wilbur.

He blew up the stash, my stash. The weapons and armor I was collecting to take him down, to free myself and everyone else. But he found it, and he got angry-

And he destroyed it all.

I have nothing left anymore.

With my mouth hung open in shock, and tears streaming down my face, I stare at the burning Logstedshire, seeing the wood snap in half and collapse in on itself. I could feel the heat against my face, and the wind blew the smoke high into the mid-day sky.

Dream always finds everything.

I was going to get the trident, and show him what I found, show him the cliff I found, and I guess he stumbled by the log that covered the entrance to my stash. He must have sat on it or something because I have no clue on how he found it.

Now, all I hold is the trident, the only thing I have left. The only thing I have left, just so happens to be the one thing Dream gave me that I kept. He gave me the damned trident, and I kept it.

"Tommy, I am disappointed in you." Dreams says lowly, his head turning from the mess he made to watch me. "And you know that actions have consequences, this is no exception." I snap my body to the man in green, my grip tightening on the trident as the fire rages. It keeps me in the moment, stops my mind from wandering from now, right now.

"Actions have consequences." He repeats, walking off towards my nether portal, his hands balled into a fist. I knew what he was going to do, and I had no clue how to stop him, how to show him that I was sorry, that it wouldn't happen again. Dream was going to destroy my nether portal, my one standing tie to my friends back home, my home, my Tubbo. I didn't want to lose my friends, not again.

"Dream- wait-" I plead, chasing after the man in the green hoodie, the black ash coating his back with a thin layer. Dream shakes his head, ignoring me completely. "Dream I didn't mean it-I-I didn't-" I can't get it out, I can't make him hear.

He rears back his hand, knuckles white from his grip, and slams it into the black stone, knocking the small stones out of place slightly with every punch. Every step I take towards him, Dream rears back three times, I see the blood splattering in his knuckles.

"Dream stop- please-" I reach his body, my hands acting before I could really think, reaching out to grab his shoulder. Dream doesn't listen, but his fists do. This time, instead of hitting the black and purple stone, Dream swings at me, and lands a hit to my face. It stings as I hit the ground, I felt both his and my own blood fall down my face right under my eye, a mix of both tears and blood fall onto the ground with an auditable splat.

"I told you Tommy, actions have consequences. And your consequence is having no contact with anyone, at all." Dream states, wiping the blood from his knuckles onto his pants leg. I know the portal is broken, and I have no way of fixing it.

"No one can visit, not that they did in the first place, I have been more than merciful. And this," Dream gestures around him, Logstedshire engulfed in flames and my tent destroyed. "This, is how you repay me." He shakes his head. I stay on the ground, moving back as he walks closer,

"I'm disappointed in you Tommy, disappointed."

683 words
Short chapter, sorry about that, but I'm back!

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