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author note: babies always know who to go to and who they're comfortable with. Clearly the baby has a negative aura with his own mother and would usually see more nurture towards odina. Which puts Luca in a hard position because at the end of the day Leyah is the mother yet the kid can barely stand here

𝑶𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

6 months later....

A one month year old that cries every single night which doesn't give me sleep. Luca is going insane and I hate to say it but Leyah does nothing more then breastfeed.

It hurts. Because I see Luca taking care of that bitch.

He's always with his son andres which was his fathers name.

And it doesn't help knowing he actually has a family. But I keep my pain to myself.

"Andres please baby just sleep..." I groan going to pick him up since Luca isnt even bothering to get up and Leyah is sick.

I hold him in my arms and he immediately goes silent. I just smile and sit on the edge of the bed where Luca is sleeping.

"You need to let this household sleep."

Da Vinci doesn't help at all and I think Luca mostly does all the work.

I help but I know Leyah doesn't even want me carrying her child i ,wouldn't Have to if she was more responsible.

I have davina who is doing amazing. Huge attitude but she's good and I love the girl with my heart. I bust at least twice a month and she's actually treating every well. Yet I know she's making the maids do more then needed for her.

"At least you're good to me." I smile as he's fast asleep now.

Luca shifts a lot before just waking up.

"Thank you." He whispers his voice is raspy and deep. His accent is thick and I just nod before putting the kid back in the crib since Luca refuses to let it learn to sleep with parents.

I wouldn't be able to. And no looking at it. If me and him had our own kid I think we'd have such different ways of disciplining. He's much more forward and stricter with morals and I just want to have the baby in my hands all the time.

I just want to be an actual mother the thought of having my own kid in my hands makes me so happy. It happened once and never happened again.

I get back into bed with him and he kisses me softly as I close my eyes.

"I love you." He whispers and I smirk.

"I love you."

𝑳𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒉 𝒑𝒐𝒗

"Baby please just drink." I cry as he doesn't even want to breastfeed.

He's always crying with me. Yet so calm with Odina. I know he gives Luca a headache to. I think I got the flu or something because I wasn't even able to get out of bed. My head would spin whenever I had moved.

I just put my fucking boob away before standing up with him.

Luca is with Odina at a meeting and they've had to be having them at warehouses or whatever because Andres cries too much for them to have them here at home.

So the house is just empty with me and my crying son.


"Leyah just give me the fucking—-"

"Please give me the child." Luca changes his words and I roll my eyes carefully handing it to him.

"You need to let your mom breathe." Luca whispers to the kid as he stops crying a little.

"Hold the head up right you'll kill him before he becomes a leader." I hear Odina say coming downstairs. I keep my eye roll to myself and just stare at andres as he quites down a lot.

"I love you. I'll be back before this weekend." She whispers and kisses Luca deeply before glaring at me and walking out the door.

She irritates me.

Not that I have feelings for Luca but it would be nice getting some type of pleasure.

She does so much to annoy me and Luca has already threatened me. And put a gun to my heart to get things through my head.

I wouldn't dare cross him but I will never bow to a slut that can't even do the simple thing of baring a child.

"Where is she always going?" I ask knowing she leaves every month but I never found out the reason really.

"She's basically a mother to an orphan after I said no." He says blankly. Oh.

"So she's taking care of a kid?" I ask.

"Yeah. Her name is davina. She's nine now. Even her birthday is on the same day Odina's father died"

"Does anything ever go right for that girl?" I ask.

"No. Just want her to be content and if getting close to a little girl is that then she can do that." He assures.

He clearly loves her.

I think sometimes note then she loves him.

But love is complicated.

They're lives and complex. I will never truly be part of the mafia but they both aren't good. I see it in there eyes. They kill with no emotion yet have this desire for each other I've never seen.

I just need to break it.

Maybe then he will finally start noticing me.

At the end of the day.

I'm still his wife.

author note: davina is nine now born may 30, 2008. Right now it's June 2017. Luca is twenty four while Odina had just turned twenty. Leyah is twenty two. Da Vinci is twenty seven while Antonio is twenty two. So yeah. And andres is 2 months. Just to clear anything up. I will try making the chapters longer. Just been sleep deprived. Hope you guys are enjoying it. Feel like it's getting boring...

Do you think it's boring?

Let me know. Anyways goodnight and love you all stay safe!

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