Chapter 21- Attempts

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Hi all! I'm sorry for not updating much, I was working on a video for my channel which I finally finished! Anyways, I won't talk too much, let's get onto the chapter!

Chapter's song:

~Where we started~

Scorpio's POV

We were still in the 4th Galaxy of Bangladesh on our class trip, not that it mattered much. I didn't mind this trip which may be shocking to people as they see me as someone who wouldn't be intrested in sunny weather, beaches and marine life but then again, there's more to me that meets the eye. I'm not someone that would open up easily to people like Cancer would, Infact, I'm the exact opposite, I've got trust issues. Why would I trust these little pieces of shit that are my so-called 'classmates'? They're insane, and they know it.

I'll state what I think of each of them, starting with Aries. Aries isn't that bad, she doesn't bother me and minds her own business. Taurus, I slightly dislike her. Gemini I find plain annoying, pranking people isn't necessary 'fun' to the victims. Gemina.. don't even get me started on her, she's blinded by her obsession for me. No matter how many attempts I've tried to nicely tell her to leave me alone, she'd stick onto me like a gluestick, hell, she even looks like a gluestick. Moving onto Cancer, I guess I don't mind her much, she's the least idiotic one out of the bunch. Tho she could be quite näive at times, which is bad at times as she could get herself into malicious situations without knowing herself, being completely oblivious to everything around her.

I don't have to explain my thoughts on Leo, she's a bitch and she knows it. She has a fucking shopping obsession, it's not that hard to not go inside a shop and spend almost all of your money on useless shit. Not to mention, she's a fucking narcissist, which makes me despise her even more. Virgo I don't talk to, so I wouldn't have an opinion on her although Capricorn has told me of how much of a bitch she is. Thinking about it, she's Leo's bestfriend afterall and if Leo is a fucking deluded bitch, Virgo might aswell be too. Libra I don't mind him either, he only ever speaks to me when needed, other than that, he's always either talking with Gemini & Aquarius, his fangirls, or blankly annoying Aries by flirting with her.

Sagittarius I find annoying aswell. She's just like Gemini, always laughing and pranking people. She has a loudmouth and talks way too much about her past adventures and storytimes. Capricorn I find the least annoying along Cancer, as for Aquarius and Pisces, they're quite okay.

That brings me to Ophiuchus. I'd like to have a word with that snake-stealing bastard, knowing he stole from me. That's where he messed up. Nobody steals from me, I'm bound to make him regret his decision, make him fume in rage, anger, and agony, making him instantly regret taking what's mine and mine only. I was truly pissed off that day, knowing that constipated shithead had the nerve to even touch what's mine. I'll make sure to make him suffer, worser than Libra's rage towards him.

That's why today I've planned on skipping the class activities to meet up with Cancer, Gemini, Capricorn and Virgo in an attempt to get the book back, or atleast think of a solution, a plan without getting noticed by the rest of our class, or should I say, librarian Salemn. Sure, we 'stole' his property, his book, but words can't describe the mystery and philosophy behind it. It gave off a peculiar aura off when it had caught my attention in the library that day, I couldn't put my finger on it but I was instantly drawn towards it. It must be special considering it having atleast two of our classmates' name's written on the first few pages, which shocked us. Who wouldn't be? Seeing the name's of the people you know engraved onto an old mystical book is hysterical. Especially if we weren't allowed to touch or pick up the book, it was all sketchy.

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