Chapter 13- Hacking Help

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Finally Leo's POV! After a million chapters waiting, this queen's thoughts can now be read lol

Chapter's song:

~Cool For The Summer~

Leo's POV

I lay on my bed in boredom, thinking of the things I could do.

It's Saturday finally, but I've got nothing to do. I mean, I could meet up with Virgo or Gemina

Speaking of Gemina, it's only been a day but it feels like she's been here since the start! I honestly get along great with her, I'm sure the rest does too!

Tho there's been moments where I've seen Cancer frown. Everytime I ask why, she'd reply with "I'm fine".

I scroll down on Zodiagram, trying to find something intresting. After scrolling for a while, a message caught my attention.

My eyes widen in shock as I read through what it said "Dear Leona Lioness" I scoffed at the 'Leona' part "It has come to our attention that there's been multiple login attempts in your Zodiagram account. We suggest you take coding classes to keep your Zodiagram account safe, unless you do not mind losing it and creating a new one.

Your sincerely, Zodiagram"

"This is bullshit" I mutter to myself

Whoever thinks it's good in their mind to mess with me, are worthless pieces of fucking imbelices. I will take those coding classes tho, but who do I know that takes coding classes?

My thoughts stop at this one specific person

Bingo! I just need to check if he's at his dorm.

I grabbed my keys and closed the door behind me, not caring wether Virgo yells at me for slamming it the door or not.


After a while, I made it to my destination. I knocked on the door, out of breath from running. It opened up revealing a sleepy Aquarius

"Leo?! Is that you?" He rubbed his eyes in shock

"Duh, who else would it be?" I said with a raided eyebrow

"What's up?" He asked as I took a deep breath.

"Could I come in first?"

"Ah, yes ofcourse" He held the door open for me as I walked in. We sat down on his couch as a comftorable silence passed between us

"So.. why did you decide to visit me?" Aquarius curiously asked

I took a deep breath "I don't know how to put this in words but.. well err.."

"I want to take coding classes from you" I closed my eyes

"You- WHAT?!" Aquarius said in shock, eyes widened

"You're a hacker, right? So you should know some coding" I stated

"I do, but I never expected you being into computer science"

"No questions. So, are you up for it?" I asked in hope. It took him some time to get himself togheter

"Sure, anything for you.." As he said that, Gemini walked in with a bored expression

"Oo! What are you two lovebirds up to?" Gemini teased as I felt the air around me heat up, or is it just me?

"Shut up" Aquarius grumbled, hiding his red face

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