Chapter 15: The Lady Is Better Than The Leads

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I was truly amazed.

Every recipe in the book was entirely different from the dishes made in Terrestrial Heaven, possibly on a whole different level from it. As intriguing as it was to try these recipes, I could tell how difficult it was to make due to the various ingredients that were impossible to find in the Ravaryn Kingdom. Some of them, I haven't even heard of before!

Fortunately for me, the very ingredient that I needed was obtainable and could be grown anywhere.

Crybliss Pedals

Small violet flowers that bloom from Crybliss Vines. Crybliss Vines cultivate from broken down mystic stones commonly found on overheads of caves in dense places. Crybliss Pedals used for enhancements in the effects of potions, magic induced dishes, medicines, and otherworldly substances. Strictly for use once every fortnight, the effects of overuse result in critical conditions or death. Serves as key to magic core base formula.

When I first read of the magic core base formula, I was stumped. All of the components needed to make this potion was something that frustrated me.

Magic Core Base Formula

Three Grounded Crybliss Pedals

Pure Dragon Fire Essence

River of Souls Droplet

Holy Beast Strand

Deity's Blessing

I quickly rid the idea of obtaining a magic core this way.

Not only did I not know of these certain objects, I haven't even the slightest clue of where to find them. Not to mention, the time consuming steps that would possibly take days for someone like me that has little to no knowledge or experience with potions.

Eventually, I got over this matter after a good nights sleep and decided to continue my hard work. I still had other uses for the pedals so the visit to the Plaza wasn't in vain.

I whistle one of my favorite K-Pop songs, caressing the new plant that hung from the ceiling of the herbal garden. The pots that held the roots of the vines had been filled with rich soil and spiritual mystic stones that have been gathered by fathers men on my request. The slight mist it gave off from the pots was truly mesmerizing and reminded me of Terrestrial Heaven who had the same effect. I shake my head with a grin.

Who knew such an ingredient would be hiding in plain sight?

"My Lady," I tilt my head towards Winnie, his usual charming self holding out something for me, "A letter from Dame Trelli," I take the letter gingerly, thanking him before excusing him. He bowed and walked away with a slight spring in his steps, most likely happy to continue sneaking off somewhere with Penelope since she hasn't accompanied me and Rose to water the garden.

I rolled my eyes as I opened the letter. He was lucky that I favored the both of them.

Dear Lady Calista,

I am regretful to inform you that our lessons will be held off until I am available again. There have been slight incidents that I will be required to help take care of, it is unknown when it will be dealt with or when I'll be back. Continue practicing what I have taught you for the same amount of hours our lessons last for the same days our lessons are held. Increase the amount of body training each month, it's essential for your growth. Good luck with your entrance exams.

Dame Trelli

"So it's around that time, huh?" I sigh, making my way back in the mansion. I haven't realized how much time has passed until now, the reminder of being a few months away from entering the most rotten place hits me as I walk through the halls of my home.

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