Chapter 7: The Book Is A Interesting Object

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I woke up... again.

This time, the sky was lit by the sun and instead of silence, there were chirps of birds and the daily activities coming from around the manor. I look towards the balcony doors to see it was wide open.

Oops, I forgot to close it.

As I placed my hand by my side to slide off the bed, it came in contact with something hard. My head snapped to the object that my hand touched.

What the...?

I removed my hand.

"Huh..." I quirked a brow before picking it up to examine the golden leather, then the glowing chain that locked it closed. I try to take a peek at the pages but the chains did a good job to keep it closed. I then try to take the chains off, but to no avail.

I don't think I remember seeing a book like this... did she give it to me?

I take a glance in the mirror to see it was just my reflection. I wait for a while for something to happen, the movement of the mirror or the sea foam eyes to appear. Nothing happened.

If she didn't, who did?

I look back down to the book. The cover was gold with only faint white designs from each corner, but as far as I could tell, it was blank. No title, no author, no description, no words. I examine the back to see it was exactly like the front, but there was something imprinted on the bottom. It was in fancy handwriting, and had glowed like the chains that held the book together.

I didn't try to read it out because I simply haven't seen anything like it. I haven't seen any languages that have writings like these, even on Earth.

Maybe it was in a language from this world? But what language is this? There aren't any memories from the future Calistas with writings like this.

I squint my eyes to make sure I'm seeing right. I tilt the book in a few angles but the writing stayed the same. I rub my thumb over the engraved writing before unconsciously grasping the swan that dangled from my necklace.

"I wonder what language this is..." I murmur out in a whim. Something in my palm warmed and sent weird tingles up my arms.

I let go of the necklace to stare at it's glowing crystal. The tingles hadn't stopped, it traveled up my neck until it ended at the top of my head, "AHHH!" I grasped my head when a sudden pounding had took place in my brain.

It had caused my vision to blur, causing me to go blind for a good minute. I bring my knees up to my chest and bury my head into my legs. My hands pulled at my hair while I squeezed my eyes shut from the pain.

Calm down.


Count to ten.



I start to mentally count in my head. I loosened the grasp I had on my hair before relaxing my eyes so it wasn't squeezed together.



I breathed deeply before stretching my legs away from my chest. My hands were lowered back to my side and my head tilted upwards.



When I opened my eyes, my vision was back to normal and the pounding headache had disappeared. I then proceed to look down to my necklace.

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