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People lie. People lie all of the time and yet, it has never affected you more then this very moment. You have never cursed so many names more then you have at this very moment, and you have never wanted to live and die at the same time more then this very moment. 

Heaven on Earth is what they call it, but instead to you it is neither heaven nor hell but a place somewhere in between. You are both alive and dying all at the same time. Your hands are bound, and your eyes are blinded by the silken cloth that was placed upon your face by the one and only man who will ever trully possess you.

"That is a good girl," he whispers in your ear as the hot, warm wax drips across your body and hardens itself, clinging to you like a second skin, and molding into a perfect replica of your body shape.

Master Danny runs a single finger down your navel and places a kiss everywhere it travels, leaving no place without the proper attention. You breathe in heavily through your nose and release out through your mouth, always remembering to follow the correct breathing technique for this activity.

It is pure bliss, being with him like this. Being completely under his control whilst always knowing that one word could bring it all to an end. You feel his fingers, his mouth, his tongue, and you cry out in tortured pleasure begging him with your body for more, but Master only does what Master wants and what Master wants at this very moment, is to tease you.

You are about to open your mouth and plead for him to end your suffering when the doorbell rings pausing all activity. A whimper escapes and you hear him chuckle softly.

"Patience," he says pulling back and away from you leaving a strange chillness in the air where he used to be. The chains fall away and the blindfold is lifted revealing a room full of candlelit light.

"Clean up my princess we have a guest."


She is beautiful. Different from you. Where you are plain, she is flawless. Every feature, every line is perfectly shaped on her. It is strange that she would work here when she looks like that. When she looks like she could be on the front cover of any magazine.

"Hello, I'm Avery," she says and you find that even her voice is nice. It is soft and womanly.

"I'm y/n," you tell her politely, trying not to show that you feel threatened by her.

"How cute," Avery giggles. The sound is annoying to you. It sounds fake. It sounds mocking, and maybe it is just your jealousy talking, but either way you wish it would stop.

Your eyes drift to Master and he smiles at you with a knowing look before moving across the room to her side and placing his hands on her shoulders without once losing eye contact with you.

"Avery, will be helping you out with the daily chores, darling," he tells you studying your face and gauging your reaction.

You wish it would stop. Master knew exactly what he was doing. He knew exactly how you would feel and yet it felt as if he were testing you only for his own self pleasure and amusement.

With Danny behind her, Avery's face morphs from a sweet, kind, innocent woman to that akin of a walking she-devil. The light in her eyes fades and turns into something cold and harsh, fixed completely on you, the jealousy no longer hidden.

"I didn't realize that you were not pleased with my work Sir," you say casting your eyes to the floor hoping that your emotions were not so obvious. 

Master laughs and you quickly look up to see him approaching you.

"It is not that, darling. I am going to have some very important people visiting over the next couple of days so I thought it would be a good idea to get you some help that way your workload would lessen," he says reaching out to stroke your cheek with the back of his hand.

50 Shades of dannyphantom.exe {{INCLUDES LOTS OF SMUT}}Where stories live. Discover now