1st Shade Part-1

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There are very few things in this world that have ever come close to rendering you speechless and the man that stands before you is one of them.

His chocolate colored eyes feel as if they stare deep into your soul and learn every secret that you manifest, and the way his long brown hair is pulled back accentuates the flex of his jaw line showing off his most attractive features.

"Hello darling," he say to you in an old British gentleman accent. It is an accent that is not very common at all in the 21st century and one that you normally would not care about. If it were anybody else, you would have found it cringe worthy but on him, it just fits.

You stare at him, unable to speak. You are mesmerized by his voice and he simply smiles knowingly as if he can read every thought that is racing through your mind.

"Can you speak?" He asks amused and you feel a blush creep up the back of your neck.

"Hi, I'm y/n. I'm the new maid you hired," you say nervously as you try to hide your embarrassment by lowering your eyes.

The man reaches out and lifts your face until your gazes meet. His facial expression softens and you find yourself staring at his mouth wondering what it would be like to taste his lips.

"Don't you know that it is rude for one to look away whilst talking to someone. It looks like I'll have to punish you later for that my dear," he says as he trails a finger across your bottom lip.

You inadvertently let your tongue slip out and lick the pad of his finger and he hisses quietly.

"Careful darling, do not play with fire," he warns before moving a good distance away. Disappointment fills your stomach but you push it away and regain your composure.

"Where would you like me to start?" You ask in an attempt to sound professional but your voice quivers just slightly. The man shoots you a panty-melting smile and nods towards his desk.

"I want you to begin over there," he says and as you make your way towards the desk he stops you by grabbing your hand and pulling you close.

"And I want you unclothed and on your knees by the time I get back," he whispers seductively in your ear causing a chain of shivers to rack through your body. He kisses your inner wrist and trails his tongue in lazy circles on the inside of your palm.

"We can't do that, you are my boss and I am your employee," you say breathlessly. The feeling of his tongue on your skin clouds your mind with the hazy fog of lust. A moan slips out and you blush.

"You turn the prettiest shade of pink when you're embarrased, do you know that sweetheart?," he says looking up at you with smoldering eyes. "And the sound that you make when you're aroused is most delightful. I can't wait to hear what other sounds you can make."

"Bu-but we can't do this. This is not allowed," you stammer, trying to form a coherent sentence out of the mumbo jumbo mess in your brain.

The man brings his mouth down to your neck and sucks hard on it. "Oh, but we can, because I am the master of this house, and what I say goes," he says huskily. "Now, be a good girl and undress yourself before i return."

With those last words, he releases his hold on you and leaves the room without so much as a backward glance. Now that he is gone your brain clears and you are finally able to think realistically again.

"Fuck, I can't believe I just did that," you curse out loud. "I can't sleep with my boss, that's wrong in so many different ways."

"Undress yourself before I return," he said.

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