Part 37

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"What's that?" Maru said, making Echo jump up in surprise. 

"Maru... dear Jesus." Echo muttered as she placed a hand on her heart and tried to slow her breathing again. Maru laughed. 

"It's so funny that even after all this time and the change in your lifestyle, you are still the most skittish person I know." Maru said, raising her brow and chin. She cut off her laughter and cleared her throat. "Might that be an invitation?"

Echo raised her brow and turned to face Maru directly. 

"You know, most people knock." Echo said, walking around the table in her living room and towards the library. She could hear Maru's footsteps as she followed.

"I definitely knocked but..." Maru began but Echo sighed. 

"I know, I know. No one answered the door." Echo said.

"Right... and it was unlocked so I didn't think it was a big deal to let myself in." Maru said with a shrug. "Besides, you knew I was coming."

"Yes, you're right." Echo said, entering the library and motioning for Maru to sit. "All these people..."

"And no one answers the door. Honestly, Echo, you need better help around here." Maru teased, taking a seat next to Echo who was still glancing down at the envelope in her hand. 

"We have plenty of help." Echo said, "Just don't know where they are most of the time."

"The house is pretty big." Maru said, raising her brow as she inspected her nails. She glanced up at Echo from beneath her lashes. "I always see plenty of men around... although... I suspect Luke keeps them pretty busy."

Echo didn't hesitate. She was much too used to Maru's hints at this point. She wasn't sure at what point Maru seemed to figure things out but one thing was for certain, she wasn't going to confirm anything for her. Over the last year, Maru had gotten into the habit of dropping hints like this one, never in front of Luke, luckily. Though she had never said anything directly, there was something about it that made Echo nervous. And so, Echo got really good at changing the subject.

"Did mom and dad get one too?" Echo said, looking back down at the invitation. Maru rolled her eyes and leaned back against the sofa. Of course, Echo was determined not to say anything that might confirm that of which they did not speak... but that didn't mean Maru was going to stop trying. As long as Echo didn't ask her to drop it, Maru was simply just not going to drop it. As far as Maru was concerned, it was all so obvious, in fact, she couldn't understand how no-one else had figured it out. 

"Why would they get one?" Maru asked, however, deciding today would not be the day to poke and prod Echo about her unusual life.

"Why wouldn't they?" Echo asked, confused. "They are big donors."

"Donors?" Maru said, wrinkling her nose. 

"Have they accepted?" Echo asked, now taking a look at the invitation again closely. "You know we got an invite a few weeks ago but hadn't really planned on accepting. I wonder if Vera will go..."

"A few weeks ago? Of course, Vera has to go." Maru replied. 

"You would think so but the way she's been acting lately, you never know." Echo said and Maru shrugged. 

"I don't care what's going on or if the mysterious Tom did come back, she better go." Maru snapped. 


Maru and Echo turned at the sound of his voice. As usual, Echo's lips curled into a big smile as she stood, invitation still in had. 

"You're early." She said, glancing at the clock. "Really early."

Faith and Lies (Vera Reid, Reid Family Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now