Twenty Eight

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"sometimes happy memories hurt the most

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"sometimes happy memories hurt the most."

Kayden was speeding down the street right behind Grayson.

He hasn't said a word since what happened with Robin. I don't know whether to ask him about it now or later. But by the time I make a decision he stops the car and cuts the engine.

He gets out of the car without another word, and I get out following him.

I see Grayson get out of his car and run towards the house in front of us. I silently follow Kayden who was walking like a maniac towards the house.

If I wasn't afraid of Robin before I definitely am right now.

How could someone do something like that? He has to be a psychopath or something. How could he bring a kid into this kind of thing? Whatever issues that the boys have with him shouldn't involve a child. Ever.

Kayden and I walk inside the house, and I see Willow with her cheeks tear-stained as she sat down on the couch watching Grayson hold his daughter and whisper things into her ear.

I can't imagine what was must have been going through his mind. I mean this is his daughter and he almost lost her, and I would know the feeling. I don't even want to know how Grayson would react.

I walk towards Willow. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

She shook her head no and I went and hugged her.

I'm not the type of person who likes hugging or physical contact, but I felt the need to hug her. I wish I didn't see her like this. I am so used to seeing her happy but now she looks scared.

"Where are the others?" Willow asked.

"Ben is on his way to pick you up. He is going to take you home and then Ethan and Mathew are coming right now." I stated and sat down next to her on the couch. "What happened?"

"Melody and I went to go get cotton candy and then this guy started talking to us and then the next thing I know he grabs Melody and runs off with her. She was screaming for me, and I ran after her." Willow said while trying to compose herself. "Then I caught up to him and there were other guys with them, so he just shoved me in the car with Melody. Nothing happened on the way there, they just took us here and I held on to Melody until Grayson came."

"I'm so glad you both are okay Willow." I hugged her again. "I don't know what I would do if I lost you."

I look at Kayden and see him staring at Grayson and Melody who were sitting hugging each other.

By the time Ben came, Melody was in her room sleeping and Kayden was sitting on the couch, staring at the wall in front of him. Ethan and Mathew are here. Ethan is in the kitchen making food and Mathew is sitting in the living room studying Kayden.

Grayson was in Melody's room I'm pretty sure.

From what I have noticed about the boys since hanging out with them, they are all relaxed and joyful but right when something bad happened they all are serious and barely talk. But it's like that for everyone, isn't it?

"Is he going to be, okay?" Ben asked as we stood in the doorway.

"I think he is just scared. His daughter got kidnapped and even though she didn't go far he is scared for her." I stated.

"What about Kayden?"

"I don't know," I said while shaking my head side to side softly.

"Well, I should get Willow home," Ben said and I nodded my head. "Do you need a ride home too?"

"I'll take her," Kayden stated and Ben looked at me if I was sure and I nodded my head.

"Okay well text me when you get home alright?" Ben asked and I nodded my head.

He walked outside to his car where Willow was waiting.

I let out a deep breath and close the door. I see Kayden stand up from his chair. "Tell Grayson to call me later," Kayden stated and Mathew nodded his head. Kayden looked at me. "Come on."

I follow him outside to his car and once we are inside his he starts it and drives.

I want to know what he is thinking. I want to know what his deal is with Robin and what their history is.

It's like I feel this string pulling me towards him making me want to know everything about him.

Kayden parked the car in front of my house, and I look at him.

He has a poker face while staring at the road ahead of us that was empty. "Are you okay?" I asked, not knowing what to say. He shrugged his shoulders. The signature Kayden Move. "You need anything?"

"No, I'm fine Alexis. Don't worry about it."

"It's hard not to worry about it when my friend and Grayson's daughter get kidnapped Kayden."

"No, it not. Just stop thinking about it. It's none of your business." He stated coldly.

Now I want to smash his head against the window because he was being so difficult. I know he doesn't have to tell me, but I can't just leave this subject be.


"No Alexis." Kayden finally looked at me and I could see him with that same look in his eyes that is the same from all times before. Guilt, regret, vulnerability. "This doesn't concern you so why do you ask? Why do you care so much?" Kayden asked

"Because I just do asshole. People care about you believe it or not."

"No, you're just some girl who likes drama and wants to be involved in every little thing." He spat as he started driving again.

"What is wrong with you? We were fine and now you being such an asshole. Why?" I asked. I look out the window and Isabelle's house. I look back at Kayden and see him looking straight ahead instead of at me. "Kayden."

Finally, he looked at me, but it was with anger and rage. "Just leave Alexis. This doesn't concern you. We aren't friends so why would I even tell you? You stupid for thinking I would tell you shit."

I try not to let what he said affect me.

For the first time in a long time, I actually felt like I was improving, that I may be becoming happier, making friends, starting fresh but it's like it never works for me.

"Your right. I'm stupid for thinking a guy like you could have a good heart and actually be a good friend." I said before opening his door and walking out of it.

I don't hear footsteps behind me, I hear his car roar down the street making me think he left but I'm not going to look back and check.

When I walk inside the house, I see Wes standing in the living room with his eyes narrowed at me. I rolled my eyes and was about to head upstairs but he stopped me.

"Were you out with Kayden?"

I turn to look at Wes. "What is your problem with him, Wes? You hate him so much, but you haven't given a reason."

Wes sighed. "He isn't a good guy Alexis, trust me. He is a bad person, and you will only get hurt by him."

"You can't control my life, Wes. I told you that you sure as hell aren't my brother or father so don't you can't control who I talk to or what I do."

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