Thrity Four

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"i am letting go so i can be free

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"i am letting go so i can be free."

For the whole weekend, all I have been doing was sitting in bed and binge-watching movies. I would read a book, but I just couldn't. I felt super weak the entire weekend.

Willow and the guys asked if I could hang out, but I told her I wasn't up for it. She and Ben wanted to come over, but I told them I wanted to be alone.

I haven't talked to Kayden at all either. I was thinking about texting him, but I refrained and just continued to stare at the wall in my room while also watching movies.

Wes came in and we talked about that night. It was the first time he was actually somewhat caring to me. He made sure I was okay and asked if I needed anything, but I just wanted to be alone.

Isabelle offered to go to where my family was buried but I haven't been there since the funeral, and I don't want to go there. I'm not ready to see their names on that piece of rock with their bodies in the ground.

Today is Monday which means a new week and a new day.

"Are you sure you going to be okay today?" Wes asked me as I pulled up to the school parking lot.

Wes asked for a ride this morning since he was going to go to his friend's house after school and he didn't feel like driving later tonight since he was going to stay late. I don't mind driving him though.

"Yea. I'll be okay." I said and gave him an assuring smile. "So, you don't need a ride after school?"

"No. I'll be fine. But text me if you need anything okay?" Wes asked and I nodded my head.

Once the car was parked Wes and I got out of the car and right when I stepped out, I got attacked with arms around me.

"God don't you ever go MIA on us again," Willow said before letting go of me and looking at me. "I missed you jerk."

"It's only been three days Willow." I chuckled lightly.

"Longest three days ever," Ben stated as he walked up to us.

"No hug? "I asked Ben with a teasing smile.

Ben chuckled and I laughed.

It's so easy to pretend you're okay when really you aren't. Right now, I am smiling and laughing but deep down I am sad and feel numb to everything.

Ben, Willow, and I walk inside the school and we each go our separate ways. Willow and I had the same first period, so we just walked with each other to that class.

"Where were you this weekend anyway?" Willow asked as we sat down.

"I was with Isabelle."

"Oh. speaking of Isabelle how long are you staying with her for?"

I feel a pang in my heart. Willow still doesn't know about my family. I felt the need to tell her. She should know. I trust her with this information as well.

"A while."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Why? Don't you have family that you stay with?"

Here we go.

"No, my family died three years ago. So that's why I moved with Isabelle."

I don't know how many times I have said that sentence before but it's the most painful thing I think I have ever and will ever say.

Willow looked at me. Her eyes held sympathy and condolence. I know she didn't know what to say. She is probably thinking about all of the things she should say but she didn't know what.

"I'm sorry Alexis. I don't know what to say. I'm sorry I asked. I shouldn't-"

"No, it's fine. I trust you."

"You're my best friend Alexis. I care so so much about you. I don't know how you feel but just know that I am here and always will be." She said and then put her hand on my shoulder in a comforting way.

I smiled at her the same time the teacher walked inside the class.

I felt a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart when Willow called me her best friend. I am happy that she sees me as a best friend, and I am more than happy to call her mine. She is such an amazing person, and I am grateful to have her in my life.

She kind of reminds me of my mother, except my mother likes reading and Willow doesn't. But My mother would always have the prettiest smile and then she also has the kindest heart.

Class ended so Willow and I parted ways to our next classes.

By the time lunch came around my stomach was begging for food. I was hungry and me not eating anything for the past three days wasn't smart.

I hope Willow has food in her bag.

I get to our wooden table outside and I see Ethan, Ben, Mathew, Grayson, and Willow already at the table.

"Hey," I said once I sat down at the table next to Ethan and Ben.

"Hello," Mathew said with a soft smile.

For some reason, the vibe at the table was weird. Everyone seemed way too quiet, and the mood was off.

"Sorry I have MIA these past couple of days. I just needed to rest. I wasn't feeling good." I stated.

"It's fine. We all need a break once and a while." Ethan said before smiling at me.

"Where's Kayden?" Willow asked.

"No clue. But he is alright." Grayson said in a reassuring tone.

"How do you know when you haven't seen him?" I asked looking at him.

"Because I do. Trust me, he is okay. He just needs time to himself for a few days."

The rest of lunch went by quickly. I couldn't stop thinking why the hell everyone was being so off.

When I walk into English, I take my seat that was in the back of the class. When the lesson starts Kayden is still not here. He has been coming to class lately, so I expected him to at least show today.

I pull out my phone and text him, asking where he was, and then put it back in my pocket.

Thirty minutes go by, and he still doesn't show or text me back. I find myself start to worry about him and where he was.

I know I am being a hypocrite because I went MIA for the weekend, but Kayden didn't even care to text or call.

I did.

When class ended, I go to the office for my last class. I don't do anything important there. I was just sitting in the office waiting for the time to pass by while watching people pass through the office.

When the bell rang, I ran out of the office and out of the school doors.

I don't know why I am so anxious to know where he was. I just wanted to make sure that he is okay. We haven't spoken in three days and for some reason, I just feel so worried about him.

But when I pull up to Isabelle's house, I see a familiar black car parked in the front and then Kayden who was sitting on the porch.

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