Never Have I Ever

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When no one started talking Cleo started,

"Um well never have I ever kissed a celebrity?"

"What counts?"

"Like if they've been- actually I don't really know I'll let you interpret,"

Benny took a gulp of his drink alone.

Emilie sighed, and decided she would participate, "Ok I can make a few of you drink with this one, never have I ever kissed my sister,"

Benny drank, she knew that was coming. Harry drank, she also knew that was coming. Then Cleo drank and that elicited a

"What Cleo you kissed my sister!"

"Well, when she was in Paris, we were drunk and flirting with some men and then..."

"Okay then just to check never have I ever slept with my sister,"

"Do I have to drink more?" Harry complained.

"It's the game.." Cleo said as she took a sip of her drink.

Benny guffawed at this. "I can't believe you got farther with her than I did!" Emilie gave him a death glare, he then cleared his throat. "Well I'll try and go, is the object of the game to get as many people as you can to drink, or be interesting?"

"Be interesting," Cleo clarified.

"Well... um never have I ever had a threesome?"

Cleo, Hilton, and Arthur all drank. Harry's eyes bugged out of his head a bit but he got his facial expressions back under control and attempted to say one.

"Never have I ever gotten drunk?" When everyone went to go for their cups, he tried to make it more distinct, "Super drunk?" Everyone still went to drink, so he went for "Blackout drunk?" with that Benny put his drink back down along with Arthur and Hilton. Cleo and Emilie drank. The lemon juice was doing the desired effect of giving a slight burn but it was nothing compared to what she was used to.

"So you do drink?" Cleo asked Emilie.

"Well I did but I don't anymore, or at least for now,"

"Understandable, your sister enjoyed a drink,"

"Yuck! I don't want to think about you and my sister,"

Arthur contributed "Never have I ever had a rebound relationship?"

Cleo drank, Benny drank, and Emilie drank.

Benny quietly said, "Knew you'd drink on that one,"

"Why is it that every time you open your mouth I have a reason to glare at you?"

Benny spitefully contributed, "Never have I ever said I love you and didn't mean it,"

Only Emilie drank on this one.

It was awkward for a bit. So Harry tried to ease the tension,

"Never have I ever kissed someone else in this group?"

Everyone drank.

"Harry you know you're really bad at this," Hilton said with a chuckle.

Everyone had their cup refilled so as the game continued, everyone around her was getting progressively drunker while she was stone-cold sober. She was still having fun but it was interesting how she noticed everyone's inhibitions were lowering. Hilton had scooted closer to Harry. Benny was becoming more playful and less uptight. Cleo and Arthur were giggling like siblings with her head nuzzled in his chest.


At some point, they stopped playing the game and the radio got turned on loud.

Cleo, Arthur, Hilton, and Harry were all dancing in a little circle. Harry was a very stiff dancer, trying his best to mirror the others around him. They seemed like they were their own little group so Emilie was dancing alone to the music, and Benny was swaying. Benny then did something he rarely did, he got up and put out his hand to Emilie. She took it, and it was weird Benny seemed so free, like he didn't care about any of his normal burdens. He was spinning around and jumping as his bindings had finally been broken. He spun around with Emilie with nothing but smiles on either of their faces.

They were growing hot from the proximity but that didn't stop either of them; they danced and danced with the blaring music. There was a sense of deja vu to this.

Benny's neighbors ought to hate him considering you could most definitely hear the music through the floor.

He spun her out, then brought her back in, they were flush against each other. She looked up at him breathlessly. He quickly kissed her but pulled back quickly. He looked like he was scared she would attack him.

She then kissed him, almost jumping toward him.

The opposite poles of the magnets finally got close enough to each other that they couldn't help but attract


Everyone was so involved with the music, no one noticed when Benny and Emilie disappeared.

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