Real Problems

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"Morning everyone," Emilie called.

"Morning," Cleo said, her accent making the simple word sound fancy.

"Is it even morning still?" Arthur asked.

"According to the clock, it is 11:00 so technically yes it still is," Harry said looking at his watch.

"Good," Hilton said, resting a hand on Harry's shoulder while taking a sip of coffee. Harry cleared his throat,

"Me and Emilie should probably go back to our hotel room and get changed and stuff,"

Benny leaned against the counter, "You guys do what you guys have to do," He wouldn't meet Emilie's gaze.

Harry grabbed Emilie's hand and basically dragged her out, she even left her bag at the apartment because of how much of a rush they left in.


Harry went with Emilie up to the second floor where their rooms were and followed her into her room.

"Something happened last night," Harry announced vaguely.

"Multiple things happened last night, you're going to have to be a little more specific," Emilie joked while looking through the clothes she packed

"Hilton kissed me," Harry said, turning to look at Emilie.

"That's not where I thought this was going," she quickly turned to look at him. "What did you do?"

"I rolled over and went to sleep," Harry always had a slightly uncomfortable vibe around him but it was turned up to ten.

"That's one way to deal with it," Emilie said, like she was in pain or something.

"It wasn't that bad," Harry clarified.

"At least I won't be the only awkward one when we go back," Emilie chuckled to herself.

"What's wrong with you?" Harry said sympathetically.

"I slept with Benny,"

"Oh, I know,"

"You know?"

"We were a wall apart in a cheap basement apartment," Harry raised his eyebrows, "The walls aren't thick,"

"You heard everything?" Emilie called out.

"Shhhh not everyone in this hotel needs to know,"

"You heard everything?" she whisper shouted.

"Not everything, we just tried to turn the music down a little too early," Emilie hid her head in her hands, "Good for you, by the way," Harry added.

"You'll be fine with Hilton, he seems like a nice guy. If you aren't into it just let him know"

"I'm not not into," Harry said.

"Harry Beltik!" Emilie squealed. "Are we getting you a man?"

"Okay slow down there," Harry said, "Let's take the heat off of me for a second, what's the issue with you and Benny?"

"Well, it's the first time we did it,"

"Didn't you guys date?"


"And you guys never did it?"

"Mhm," Harry looked perplexed.

"Is there something wrong with that?"

"No-No. It's just, surprised,"


"Umm I've seen you two interact for two nights and I could sense whatever was between you guys," Emilie groaned and Harry continued, "Why is this a bad thing?"

"It's- It's more of a- It's not really bad. I think there's just too much between us for things to be normal and things to work,"

Harry interjected, "What makes you think that?"

"It's just that-" A knock came at the door. Emilie went to open it, seeing that it was one of the maids she said, "Can you come back a bit later?"

"Miss you're already supposed to be checked out, I'm here to get it ready for the next guests," the maid politely explained.

"Shit," Emilie said, turning to go find her purse so she could pay to stay for longer but her purse was still at Benny's, "Can you come back in like ten minutes?"

"Okay ma'am let you sort everything out but I have to come back," Emilie scoured over to the hotel phone and called Benny.


"Hi Benny, can you check my bag and see how much cash I have left in there,"

"What? Why?"

"Just do it!"

"You have a couple dollars?"

"Shit, thank you," she dropped the phone back on the receiver.

"Harry I have a problem," She leaned against the wall, "A real problem,"

𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆: 𝑩𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑾𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒔 𝒙 𝑶𝑪Where stories live. Discover now