Chapter 15

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Xavier's POV

Never in my entire life had I felt so embarrassed before, but now I'm trying so hard not to blush as what Hailey had said. I threw one last glare at her and she immediately put her hands up to surrender while wiping tears at the corner at her eyes, "Ok, ok, I will shut up now." We then finished up our dinner and cleaned up the kitchen. It really feels like we are a pair of married couple and this made me feel happiness was glowing inside my heart. I should really find some time to think about what are my feelings towards Hailey. I haven't felt this way before ever since she left me years back. Right, because you were busy feeling sad the whole time when she abandoned you. My mind chided me. 

After cleaning up, we sat down on the couch while drinking the coffee that Hailey brewed for me. It had somehow became a daily routine for us to sit down and talk about how our day went. I had been wanting to ask her about why she was returning late these days but was unsure if it would sound controlling for some reason but I still asked anyways. She seemed to have hesitated for a while before telling me that the bookstore had many customers recently so she had to stay back later than usual to organise the books before she could call it a day. It didn't sound convincing to me but I decided not to probe further. 

We then went back to our rooms after the small talk. I tucked myself into the bed and a certain pair of dark brown eyes came into my mind which caused me to be unable to fall asleep. After spending nearly one month with her after the marriage made me know her better. At first I just thought that she was like all the other women out there who only came after me because they knew that I was a billionaire and they were all out to suck my money dry. But she was different, she's an independent woman who refuses to use my money for daily groceries and it made me feel like I was smooching off her. Right, I have to give her one of my credit card for her to shop.

Come to think of it, there were still a lot of things that I didn't know about her. Like her family, her education, her past relationship and all that. I didn't bother checking her background information because I wasn't even the tiniest bit interested in the marriage but now, something's changed. There is something about her that attracts me but I wasn't sure about what it is so I'm trying to find out about that. But one thing for sure right now is that I was clear about my feelings towards her and that is- I feel something for her. With that in mind, I drifted off to sleep. 

When I woke up this morning, the first thing to do was to pass Hailey my credit card. I saw her cooking breakfast at the stove so I went up to her and tapped her shoulders lightly but she jumped in fright once again. She turned around quickly and gasped, "Oh gosh, my heart." I raised up my hands with a smirk and whispered a small whoops. I then placed the card on the counter and said, "Use this card to buy whatever you need and also pay for groceries. Also, don't bother rejecting it because I won't take no for an answer. Now can we eat already, I'm hungry." I turned back after saying my piece because I didn't want her to return my card. 

I could hear her hurried footsteps behind me and I stopped when I heard a small gasp escaped from her mouth and I felt her bumping into my back. I turned back immediately and managed to wrap my hands around her waist to catch her from falling backwards. Our faces were so close to each that our lips might touch any moment if any one of us moves forward a bit. I could see a mixed of emotions whirring in the orbs of her eyes but I could not decipher any of it. We pulled away from each other after a while and she muttered a small thanks to me before heading off to the dining table. My heart was beating so hard that I thought it might fly out of my chest for a moment. I need a checkup. 

We had our breakfast in an awkward silence before we went back to dress up for work. I offered her a ride to the cafe and left her for no room to argue and reject. She looked so cute while looking frustrated at me. The ride to her cafe wasn't as awkward than what we had at home because she was humming during the entire ride which almost made me crash through the red light as I was busy taking frequent glance at her. We finally reached the cafe and she waved goodbye to me. 

What happened this morning made me put a smile on my face and it was a great way to start off the morning. Little did I know that I was actually falling hard. 

Hailey's POV

I was going to work as a part time waitress at a high-end restaurant tonight since the bookstore was going to close early. I still had some time before I will set off for the restaurant so I decided to grab some bread at a nearby bakery because I felt rather famished since I didn't have lunch this afternoon. After eating a bread, I took a bus to the restaurant. 

Upon reaching, I was given a uniform to change into and I was told that there will be a celebration party held by some company tonight so I was briefed slightly on what to do during the event. After learning all the basics, I was ready to work for tonight. 

I was in charge of serving drinks and refreshments for the guests and I was reminded over and over again not to be clumsy and spill drink or break any glasses. The event soon started and guests started streaming into the restaurant like a waterfall. Just when I thought I could take a small rest after all the endless running which lasted for about nearly and hour, I saw a group of men sitting far away with one man raising his hand, hoping to get a waiter or waitress to serve them. I hurriedly move towards their table, to my horror, I saw Xavier at the table with a few other guys. 

I thought he wouldn't have notice me since he wasn't looking at my direction but all of a sudden, I realised Caleb was there too. The guy who found and returned my wallet at the supermarket. He too, realised that it was me so he started, "Hailey? I didn't expect to see you here! Such great coincidence!" Fuck me

Upon hearing my name, Xavier's eyes shot up and saw me standing at their table. I could only smile awkwardly at Caleb and reply, "Uh yes, I'm working as a part timer for tonight only." I could sense Xavier's strong glares at the side of my head and he spoke up all of a sudden, "How did you guys know each other? I don't remember introducing you guys at all." 

Caleb raised his eyebrows, "Wait, by any chance, is Hailey the one you married?" Xavier looked rather pissed? I don't know how to describe his face right now. But he asked another question,"Since when were you guys so close that you're on a first name basis? And yes, we are married." I just want to dig a hole and dump myself in it, what shit have I gotten myself into?

End of chapter 15!!! it took me a little longer than usual to complete this chapter because I was looking up for words to make this book better heheh my English isn't so fantastic so I will always try to improve each chapter with the help of a dictionary :)) 

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter <3

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