Chapter 26

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Hailey's POV

We reached Xavier's parent's house within about 45 minutes. His parents were so friendly towards me that I felt as though I was at home. His mother treated me as if I was her daughter and she said that having a daughter is more fun than having a son because according to her, Xavier was a boring kid. Well, he was just groaning and whining about his mother exposing him in front of me like that. 

"Hailey, you should stop calling us Mr and Mrs Anderson. You and Xavier are married so you should call us dad and mom just like Xavier." she held my hand with such gentleness that I felt as though it was my mum sitting right in front of me. 

"Okay, Mrs- I mean Mom and Dad." they both glared at me playfully when I accidentally called them wrongly. 

"Then shouldn't you call me husband or some sweet endearments too? Since you've already called my parents mum and dad." Xavier shot me a wink while I was blushing like mad. Just when we were about to move to the dining table, the doorbell rang and I could hear a low groan from Xavier. 

It turns out that they had invited Caleb for the dinner too, they told me that it was because he wasn't able to turn up for our wedding that time so they wanted to introduce me to him, since Caleb and Xavier had been close friends since high school. We greeted each other with a small smile but Xavier interrupted and ushered me to sit down. I think I know why he's being like this. Heh, and I'm going to tease him a bit because it's such a rare sight to behold. Billionaire Anderson is jealous over the fact that his wife and his best friend are talking and getting along well. 

After dinner, we all settled down on the couch for some light conversation and Xavier just decided to insert himself in between Caleb and I, when the couch could only hold 2 people. I guess Caleb couldn't tell what was wrong and I almost broke out in laughter but I barely held it in. Gosh, I could smell jealousy and possessiveness all over him now. 

Out of a sudden, Caleb asked me, "Hailey, can I have your number? You still owe me a meal from the previous time." I looked at Xavier from my sideview and I could see him clenching his jaw slightly. Uh oh, Caleb, you will be missed. This shall be the first and last meal we have together. You're literally playing with fire right now, abort mission, NOW!!

Caleb still didn't notice the change in mood and even took out his phone for me to type my number inside. Xavier then took over with a glare and typed something inside. When Caleb took it back, he complained, "I don't need your dumb number Xavier, I already have yours. I'm asking for Hailey's one." Xavier turned his head and gave him a hard glare, "I don't see a reason for you to have her number and take tonight's dinner as a meal to thank you for returning her wallet then." Caleb rolled his eyes and complained again, "I don't see a reason why I can't have her number and for your information, you can't make decision for her, can you?" They both then turned their attention to me, both hoping that I will side with them I guess. 

"Uh, probably you can come over for dinner next week? I will cook whatever you like and as for the phone number, I guess you can contact me through Xavier." They both finally quieten down when I gave them the answers they want. I felt as though I was dealing with two babies. Caleb then gave me a big grin and said, "Okay, I will be there for dinner whenever you tell me to." 

It was getting late so we decided to go home since we both have to work tomorrow. We then bade farewell to his par- I mean, mum and dad, then we left. Xavier didn't talk to me during the ride but he didn't look pissed either. Don't tell me he was still jealous? 

As soon as we reached home, just as I was about to walk up the stairs, I felt a pair of strong arms dragged me back and pulled me into a hard block. 

"Your room should be there, stop going upstairs if I would have to demolish the stairs and make this a one storey apartment." he pointed his room and I had just remembered that I had promised him to move into his room. 

"But I thought I would move into your room tomorrow? How did it change to tonight?" He pouted at me and I was trying so hard not to pinch his cheeks. Fuck, fingers, control.

"But I couldn't wait till tomorrow, just move in your stuff by tomorrow and sleep here starting from tonight." I wanted to tease him a bit more because of his possessiveness from just now so I pointed out, "I could smell a strong vinegar smell in this house. Even when we were at your parents' house too, do you smell it?" He seemed to be confused for a moment before he realised what I was talking about. 

(A/n: just in case y'all don't understand what I was writing about, in Chinese, we would always describe jealousy as something similar to vinegar. Because when someone is jealous, they would have sour mood which would be equivalent to having vinegar. So when someone is feeling jealous, I would always pretend to be sniffing the air and asked whether others had smelled a whiff of vinegar lingering in the air LMAO)

End of chapter 26!! Do you guys like how jealous and possessive Xavier is? 

I normally don't really like men who get jealous and possessive easily but Xavier is way too cute for that so I guess I will make an exception heheh :)) 

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