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"People keep telling me that life goes on but that's the saddest part."

They claim I'm messed up
Am I really?
Or is the world itself messed up?
Life's like a roller-coaster,
At first you're enjoying the ride,
Then You begin to feel exhausted
After that you're never the same.

What's the point of a smile,
If this world is sad and gloomy?

Why hide our true emotions?
Why hide behind a smile when deep down we're hurting ?
Why feed on other's insecurities just to hide ours?
Why do we feel like we need to hide our true selves just to fit in?

Why do girls have to wear tight, short clothes and makeup to be considered as special or beautiful?
Why do guys have to have a muscular body and be on a track team or football team or be bullies to be popular?

These are all questions I'm yet to get an answer to.

What have this world gone to?
How can we behave like this world isn't just as messed up as us?

Society is a hell of a thing.
It breaks you
make you feel like you're not good enough.
Are we really living?
Or is life just a nightmare we act out daily?

NOW YOU SEE," THE REAL ME" UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now