Chapter 5-unknown

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(the story and the cover of this chapter were drawn by me )

Warning: This chapter contains
anxiety and panic attacks

Pov narrator

Miguel wakes up with a fright, he doesn't know how long he has been sleeping, he has been unconscious so fast that he thinks he has been sleeping for days

But what scares him the most is when he realizes that he is no longer in that tall cage, and the ground was moving slightly this time, the speed of that car he is in now was felt by the little boy's fragile body

He looks around shaking a little, and breathing hard, now there are less strange animals with him

"Calm down calm down miguel, keep calm" the human admits that standing still while being taken to an unknown place by unknown people was completely scary, but at the moment there is nothing he can do
... a few hours pass, Miguel sitting and quiet in his corner listening to some sounds of the animals that were around

The light hits his face after a while, when he suddenly notices a grumpy, big, fat alien who was there, he had nostrils and his body covered in wrinkles, he had claws and the body like a dinosaur, slightly pointed teeth and the body in human symmetry

He gets scared, pushes himself against the wall again

The alien seems to ignore him, but his appearance looked angry.
He opens the windows, when Miguel realizes that he seems to be on a floating train (since he did not hear the wheels)

He looks out of the window, the landscape was empty, like a tent, but the sky was a little gray and the ground was red, with craters, this landscape was none of the planet earth, it was nothing like what he already did. had seen

He still watches a little more, but there is nothing else, the boy almost closes his eyes to sleep curled up when he hears a voice ...
"A human being! "

He couldn't understand the word very well, he gathers his courage and goes to the end of the cage when the alien leaves
-Hello!! Is anyone there?!?!? - he screams, until he hears

-Hi!! Are you stuck?!? - it was a woman's voice

Miguel smiles slightly in relief, he was not alone

-What's your name?!! -the voice screams again

-Miguel!!! And yours?!? - it takes a while for her to respond

-Renata !! - when the woman answers, another voice, a third scream

-there are more people here!?! It's a miracle!!
I'm not alone! - a thicker voice, seemed to be an older man, like 30 years old

Miguel knew that the name of the human 3 was Carl, and so the 3 started to talk a little

-where are we going ?! - Carl asks

-I hope it's a better place than here! -Renata and the two agree

As the three were far from each other, the 3 soon got tired because they had to shout to speak, Miguel had nothing else to do, so he huddled on the floor, hugging his legs and tried to take a nap now that he felt more comfortable

Awake with a strong swing, the human's heart jumped seeing the movement, the cages were being removed from the place and being taken out, no longer in that desert that he had seen,

Its cage is raised and the little one starts to shake

He is taken outside, it was hot, but as he was only wearing that sweater, he didn't sweat

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