chapter 14- scared

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Miguel Pov

I ran as fast as I could, my scratched face and arms burned with rain

I only stop when I notice that the falling drops started to form a mist, leaving the horizon difficult to see

It was a street, beautiful even if it wasn't my despair

I start to run more to the side, following what appears to be the sidewalk, rubbing my face to get the water out and I don't even notice when I hit violently against someone

It was a scary alien, with weird tentacles and 3-finger arms, I scream in horror and run in another direction

It was just me going down to what I thought was the street when I am surprised by a very loud sound

He barely had time to look at the headlights of that car

"I'm going to die!" Was the only thing that was going on in my mind

But something comes up against me, it was smaller, it looked like a mouse, I was so lucky that it did well when I was going to be run over that I felt like the protagonist of some story

My knees were scraped, the street hurt a lot

I get up still tired, I didn't know where I was anymore and where I came from

There was no way to return

I crawl to something that looks like a pole or a dump and lean on my side

A few minutes pass with me under the rain, until a lot of feets passing by me

They were a group of short aliens, my height hit their chests, but they seemed to be children

They stop and look at me, they laugh and talk in a playful tone

They seem to be a group of alien schoolgirls

With backpacks and everything

I stay in mine until I am surprised by sticky hands that grab my foot violently, I scream in terror, and I cringe, trying to hold his arm, but I can't, I was upside down,

The height was great, if I fell on my head, death was certain, I just stand there shaking and worried about what will happen to me

I close my eyes tightly when I am thrown into what appeared to be his backpack was full of strange materials and sharp things, so I was careful not to move too much

I just put my arms together and pray that I survive

Pov Zigmunt

Despair takes over me when I no longer think flex

-you left your bedroom door open Richard! - my mom yelled at my dad when he was trying to justify that he was in the bathroom and didn't notice

I go crazy looking for more, but the bedroom window was open too, and it was raining outside, we couldn't have heard him leave

I leave the house in frustration, run around the neighborhood looking for him, running as fast as possible through the rain

If something happened to Flex, I don't know what it would do

I only see children running by me, three children who left running so fast and excited about something I didn't have time to ask about him (yes, these kids 0v0)

-Flex !!! FLEEX !!

We gave up looking for it, the rain didn't stop and my mother told me to sleep at her house in my brother's room, who would not come back that day, and that we would come back to look for him the next day

Bad little human petNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ