paintless days

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Quiet music, branches swishing across the window in the wind, and the light beating of rain is what Juliet awoke to

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Quiet music, branches swishing across the window in the wind, and the light beating of rain is what Juliet awoke to. For a moment, life was the same. Nothing had changed, ever. But then, she heard the shower in the hall bathroom, and frowned. Charlie never came upstairs for anything, let alone to shower in the morning. Then, the red truck flashed in her mind-Bella. It wasn't hard to get out of bed, and she filled the time while waiting for the shower to water her plants and even crack the window. Nothing could compare to the smell of rain, mixed with the fresh pine and fir trees a few feet from her window.

Maybe, part of her thought, Bella really did just realize how gorgeous Washington was-and she really did want to live here. But for the life of her, Juliet couldn't figure out what would've turned Bella on to this realization. Bella liked the sun, the heat, and dry deserts. And Juliet...well, a lack of vitamin D, a love of all things green and the ability to smell rain before it started were things she treasured. Things, she knew in her heart, Bella would never understand. Charlie was much the same, though he preferred hunting and fishing to the calm walks in the rain that Juliet enjoyed. Still, they understood each other.

By the time Juliet was showered, dressed, and downstairs getting herself some tea, Charlie had already left for work. Bella was alone, eating breakfast and staring around the kitchen like she'd never seen it before-even though it hadn't changed since they were born.

"Do you need a ride?" Juliet was surprised at Bella's question. She looked over, seeing her sister, slightly apprehensively sitting there.

"Oh, no." Juliet shook her head, her eyes refocusing on her tea. "I don't go to your school." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Bella's eyebrows raise.

"Where do you go?" Bella questioned.

"The reservation school." Juliet placed the lid on her travel mug, turning around and glancing at her watch. "I should go, I have to meet up with a friend before class." Bella looked like a fish out of water, but Juliet didn't have time to worry about it. Leah was gonna be waiting outside the school for her, and she didn't want to keep Leah waiting.

"O-okay." Bella nodded. "I'm gonna head out soon, anyway." Juliet nodded, slipping on her boots and taking one of Charlie's more waterproof coats instead of her own.

"I'll be home before dad, since I don't work." Juliet picked up her tea and was at the door. "Later Bella."


"I got my essay done yesterday." Leah pushed her hair out of her face, looking over at Juliet as she rested her arm on the steering wheel. "Hopefully if I turn it in early, I can avoid the project." She huffed.

"I'm sure that'll be fine." Juliet assured, flipping through the pages briefly. "You're a very good writer Leah, I would be surprised if you didn't get the highest grade."

"Stop." Leah huffed, gently pulling the essay from Juliet's hands and pushing it into her English folder. "What about you? How was work?"

"It was work, you know." Juliet shrugged. "Bella came home last night."

"Right, how is that?" Leah didn't bother hiding the frown on her face-as Juliet was doing the same.

"Weird." Juliet leaned her head back, looking over at Leah. "I'll get used to it, I guess. I just don't know why she's here."

"I bet it's just because of your dad." Leah shrugged. "Since she's about to graduate high school and everything. Maybe she just wanted some time with him before she went out on her own." Juliet shrugged.

"Who knows." Her cheeks were puffed out. "All I know is I'm not going anywhere." Leah chuckled. "No matter what!"

"Yeah, yeah." Leah shook her head, watching Juliet as she sat up and adjusted her hair in the rear view mirror. "Me either."


"But above the grey land and the spasms of bleak dust which drift endlessly over it, you perceive, after a moment, the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg." Juliet read, her voice quiet-only the three boys at her table could hear her. However, only Jake was paying attention-as Quil and Embry were goofing off, planning something for after school. The best part about Study Hall at La Push High was that it was all grades, and Juliet, Jake, Quil and Embry had been lucky enough to get the same one-one day a week. This week, Juliet was going to read, and Jake insisted on her reading it out loud-so he didn't have to do his own work.

"The eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic...but his eyes, dimmed a little by many paintless days under the sun and rain, brood on over the solemn dumping ground." Embry and Quil were shushed by a few girls, leading to Juliet putting her book away.

"Come on, Jules, that wasn't for you." Jake whined, desperate to have his excuse back.

"No, Jake." She sighed, slipping the bright blue book into her backpack. "Do your own work. Don't you have math or something?" Jake groaned.

"Don't remind me." She snickered at his glum appearance. "Oh shut up."

"Hey, already finished all my required math classes." She held up her hands. "Sucks to be you, Jake." Embry laughed, earning another shush from the table behind him.

"What are you doing after school?" Quil leaned across the table. "We're gonna have the best time, dude."

"Rain check." Juliet huffed. "My sister just moved back, remember? My dad wants us to spend time together. Besides, I'm meeting Leah for a while first anyway."

"Ugh, Leah." Jake rolled his eyes. Juliet reached across the table, her hand smacking his arm. "Hey!"

"She's my best friend, Jake." Juliet frowned. "So shut up."

"Fine, you have fun with Leah." Jake sneered. "We'll be living our lives without you." Juliet snorted, rolling her eyes.

"Do your homework, Jacob."


Juliet turned the key, the low rumble of her truck cutting out. Rain fell lightly on First Beach, but Juliet didn't mind. Leah, on the other hand, would've rather been inside watching a movie-but she wasn't about to turn down Juliet's suggestion of an after school walk on the beach. Anything to get her out of the house, and she knew Juliet felt the same.

"So, what do you think?" Juliet asked, her hands shoved in her pockets as they navigated down the larger rocks, into the coarse sand. "Or am I dreaming too big, again?"

"No, I don't think so at all." Leah shook her head, glancing over at Juliet. "Honestly, I bet you own your own bookstore if you wanted to. In Seattle or something." Juliet giggled.

"Which one of us is dreaming too big, now?" She snorted. "No, I don't wanna live in Seattle. I hate Seattle, you know that." Leah nodded, a small chuckle passing her lips. "No, I wanna stay here. I don't want anything to change."

"Things'll have to change eventually, Jules." Leah reminded. "You know that."

"Yeah, but not by that much." Juliet insisted. "If we just stay here, in our little corner of the world, nothing'll ever have to change." They'd reached the Northern sea wall, forcing them to stop. Leah put her hands up, pushing herself into the air and onto the large slab of concrete.

"If you insist, Jules." Leah held out her hands, pulling Juliet up and onto the sea wall next to her.

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