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"I saw Bella today

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"I saw Bella today." Jake's face bore a large smile. "She came over and hung out for a few hours."

"Really?" Juliet raised an eyebrow, taking her eyes off the painting in front of her. Jake had come out into the backyard of Sam and Emily's where Juliet was working, waiting for Leah to get back. "I...I thought..."

"Nah, we worked it out." Jake shook his head. "Her bloodsucker is out of town hunting so she snuck down to see me. It was really nice."

"And she's okay?" Juliet asked after a few moments. She honestly had been feeling guilty lately about not speaking to Bella, though she didn't know if she would ever get the chance without Edward being there.

"Yeah, she's fine." He nodded. "She told me what happened when she went to Italy-apparently that one that can see the future can't see us, how great is that? Anyway, he'd been hiding what happened on Saturday from her so I told her. Can't believe he'd do that, we all know that thing is after her." Juliet swallowed and looked at the ground. "Sorry." He cringed.

"No, it's okay." She waved her hand. "I need to get used to hearing it, I need to know what's going on." She sighed. Paul had been so angry when they came back on Saturday. Apparently one of the Cullen's had crossed the treaty line while tracking Victoria and Paul went on the defensive. Carlisle and one of the other ones had stepped forward and calmed things down, but it didn't fail to make Juliet anxious. It was no secret Paul was ready to burst at a moments notice if something set him off, and the thought of him getting in a fight with a vampire put Juliet on edge. Even with their accelerated healing rate, she knew a vampire could do weeks worth of damage. "Jake?"


"Am I a bad person, for not talking to Bella?" She almost didn't want to hear his answer. On one hand, Jake was her friend and she figured he'd sugarcoat his answer, on the other, he was in love with Bella-and that was not lost on her.

"No." He shook his head. "Not at all, Jules." She sighed.

"Then why do I feel like it?" She looked back up at him. "I mean, I'm sure he's told her why I left by now, but still."

"Actually, he hasn't." Juliet raised her eyebrows. "She asked about you, okay? She told me what you told Charlie about leaving, he hasn't told her." She sighed.

"What did you say?" He could tell what she was really asking, did you tell her about Leah?

"I just said that you were doing good." He said. "And that you'd been busy with work a lot, but you came around Sam and Emily's a couple times a week to hang." Juliet frowned. "I didn't want to lie, but I'm not telling her anything else. That's up to you, Jules."

"Thanks." She looked back at her painting, biting her lip. "Do you think she's home by now?"

"Nah, she said she was going to some girl's house." He shook his head. "Angela Weber, or something. I dunno why." Juliet nodded, vaguely remembering the name as one of Bella's school friends. "Are you gonna talk to her?"

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