Part 13 || I love him/her!

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<next day>

Heeseung's POV

We were in school already and while we were waiting for the teacher to come in I was just talking to y/n the whole time.

Y/N: "uhmm no! I don't look like a squirrel!" She laughed which made me laugh too. That darn smile was just so cute!

Heeseung: "yeah sure you just look like a chipmunk then" she glared at me and I laughed. After our little incident yesterday, I just felt closer to her. I got to share my problems without her judging me. It just felt nice.

Jay: "Heeseung! Over here!" I turned around and the group was calling me so I turned back around to y/n

Y/N: "sorry I'll just go to them" she nodded and turned to Yeji while I stood up and walked to Enhypen

Heeseung: "what's up guys?" They looked at me weirdly

Sunoo: "you're not gonna say "what?" In an annoyed tone?"

Jongwon: "damnnnn y/n really did changed you"

Heeseung: "what are you guys talking about?"

Niki: "you used to always be in a bad mood but ever since the dance project you've been... more cheerful"

Sunghoon: "and I have never seen you smile this much before. You're always smirking meaning you did something bad but now? You're actually smiling"

Jake: "is it because of my sister?" I gulped and looked back to see y/n laughing with Yeji. I turned back to the guys and gave them a small smile

Heeseung: "ye-yeah... I like y/n" they all stood up from where they were sitting almost causing the tables to fall over since Jay and Sunghoon were sitting on the tables.

Jay: "wait! Di-did you just ad-admit you like
y-y/n?!" He raised his voice a bit too loud so I stood up from the table I was sitting on and covered Jay's mouth.

Heeseung: "dude shut up"

Sunoo: "oh my- Heeseung hyung has a crush?! And out of everyone it's y/n!" He squealed quietly

Heeseung: "so what do I do now?" I asked them and they gave me a are-you-serious look while I gestured for them to continue because I showed them that I didn't know what they meant

Sunghoon: "you confess pabo!" He said slapping the back of my head

Heeseung: "yah! I'm older than you! You should be more respectful than that!"

Sunghoon: "you realize that none of us call you hyung? We just call you that sometimes" I rolled my eyes

Jake: "you should confess soon"

Heeseung: "yeah but I'll do it at my own time" they nodded and we continued talking


I turned around to talk to Yeji after Heeseung went over to Enhypen but she had a smirk on her face.

Y/N: "what?"

Yeji: "does someone have a crush?" She asked nudging my elbow like she knew the answer already

Y/N: "yes I do now would you please stop that" I said removing her elbow off my arm

Yeji: "wa-wait did you just admit you had a crush?!" I quickly covered her mouth and turned to the boys to see if they heard her but luckily they didn't.

Y/N: "I do and I think you know who I'm talking about" I removed my hand from her mouth and she started squealing

Yeji: "omg I am so happy for you! When are you confessing? Oh what if he confesses first?" She grabbed both my hands in excitement but I just had a questioned look

Y/N: "Heeseung likes me?" I asked making her roll her eyes

Yeji: "it's so obvious you two like each other. The whole group knows" I blushed at what she said "so anyway tell me! What made you like him?" I thought off the things I like about him and it made me smile before talking

Y/N: "I like that he's tall, he's talented, he's sweet, caring, understanding, a goofball" I chuckled before continuing "he's also very funny and he's my type actually I just never noticed it"

Yeji: "how?"

Y/N: "like I said he's tall, he's got big round brown eyes, a pointy nose, his body is just damnnn-"

Yeji: "you saw him shirtless?!" I quickly placed my finger on my mouth telling her to shush and she covered her own mouth

Y/N: "by accident! We were gonna practice dancing but I had to help him look for his shirt cause he couldn't find it" she understood and gestured me to continue

Y/N: "anyway it's the last one and it's my favorite... he has the best smile I have ever seen just seeing him smile makes me smile and just him being in the same room as me makes me feel safe. When he hugged me one time I just felt wanted and protected aside from you guys. Just him appearing in front of me make me in a better mood. He smells like coffee and sunshine which reminds me of a cold calm morning. I got to tell him my problems, but obviously not all" I added "and he was there to let me cry on his shoulder-ish chest-ish without making me feel like he was judging me" I smiled and looked down at those thoughts

Yeji: "wow~ I wonder what it's like to be in love" I shot my eyes open looking ag her direction

Y/N: "in love? No no no! No way it's just a small crush" she rolled her eyes

Yeji: "with the way you described him? It sounds like you're in love and it's not just a crush" I was speechless I couldn't say anything "now tell me what would you do or feel in this situation. Heeseung suddenly has a girlfriend and both of them are happy with each other. You find out he was just trying to be nice to you and he never actually really liked you. What would you do and feel?"

Y/N: "I'd be heartbroken! I'd cry for days! I'd want to kill that girl and tear her to pieces"

Yeji: "yup and what if he asked for his hoodie back to give it to that girl?"

Y/N: "I'd probably feel hurt even more! I'd wanna kill that girl for stealing Heeseung! He's blinded by that girl! She doesn't really love him but I do and he'll be stupid for not seeing that"

Yeji: "yup there we go. god I'm so good at this!" What? Huh?

Y/N: "what?"

Yeji: "you just admitted to yourself you loved him" I slumped down on my chair realizing what I just said

Y/N: "I did..."

Heeseung's POV

Jay: "so we told you our suggestions on how to confess now, when are you doing it?"

Heeseung: "I don't know yet but I probably shouldn't it's just a small crush anyway" They all gave me a are-you-stupid look

Jake: "with the way you talk about my sister I don't think you just "like" her"

Jungwon: "you love her already dude" I was jungshook!

Heeseung: "g-guys no! There's no way I love her already!"

Niki: "she has the prettiest smile, her eyes were like the deep ocean except they were brown and I could just stare into them, she has the perfect body type for me, she's so kind sweet, caring and she's always there for me" he said mocking what I said earlier. The others laughed while I glared at him

Jay: "fine paint me a picture, you confess to her and she rejects you saying she likes someone else. What would you say and feel?"

Heeseung: "I'd feel angry and hurt! I'd tell her why and what I'm missing for her to like me. I'd ask her what that guy has that I don't! I'd say that she's blinded that she can't see that I love he-" I stopped realizing what I just said. I just imagined the situation and let my feelings out.

Jake: "you actually do love my sister..."

Heeseung: "ye-yeahhh"

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