Part 30 || meeting an old friend

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Jake: "wait as in Kang Taehyun?" I nodded "ayy I remember him, I wonder how he's doing?"

Y/N: "well he messaged me this morning if I wanted to grab some food and catch up, wanna join?" He gave me a suspicious look

Jake: "hey wait! He might be trying to make a move on you" he warned me and I just rolled my eyes

Y/N: "well even if he is I'm not interested" I said sipping my coffee

Jake: "why you have a crush already?" He asked jokingly but Heeseung immediately popped into my mind making me choke "aishh you're so clumsy" he said while patting my back

Y/N: "sorry" I said prolonging the O "anyway wanna join?"

Jake: "nahh I have a date with Yeji"

Y/N: "aishhh you two are so clingy" he rolled his eyes

Jake: "what time are ya leaving?" I checked the time

Y/N: "in an hour" he nodded

Jake: "ok I'm leaving in a few minutes so call me right away if anything goes wrong"

Y/N: "yes father" he rolled his eyes and walked away

<time skip>

Jake oppa left already and I just finished getting ready to go out. I grabbed my bag and walked out of our apartment. As I was walking I checked the address Taehyun sent me.

Y/N: "huh it should be right... here!" I approached the entrance then opened the door. I scanned the people inside to see Taehyun sitting in one of the chairs. I smile then approach him happily

Taehyun: "hey y/n, glad you could make it"

Y/N: "yeah totally!" I said putting my bag on the back of my chair.

We finished ordering some food and Taehyun transferred his attention to me.

Taehyun: "so how have you been?"

Y/N: "Well it hasn't been easy but it's good. I just came out of a coma recently because of some accident then Jake and I live in an apartment together, and Enhypen, Yeji and I are still close"

Taehyun: "woah! That's just- wow!" I laughed "so I'm guessing you and Heeseung are together now?" I turned to him with a confused expression

Y/N: "what do you mean?" He gave me a are-you-serious look

Taehyun: "I always thought you and Heeseung would end up together seeing how close you two were in highschool and how much he changed after you guys started getting close" what is he talking about? As I was about to ask him the waiter came and brought our food. *tsk* such a slut. She's literally showing her boobs in his face.

Waiter: "would you like anything else sweetie?" He asked Taehyun and Taehyun only while touching his shoulder. Ughhh

Y/N: "excuse me but can you leave my boyfriend alone?" I asked annoyed

Waiter: "whatever" she said walking away then I faced Taehyun

Y/N: "sorry about that"

Taehyun: "no no it's fine you saved me" I smiled

Y/N: "so since we're on that topic, do you have a girlfriend?" He smiled immediately

Taehyun: "actually yeah I do! This is her" he showed me his phone opening his lock screen. She was beautiful

Y/N: "take care of her ok? She looks so sweet and fragile"

Taehyun: "I know she's perfect" he said smiling at his phone. I wish I someone would smile like that because of me "you ok?" I sat up straight right away

Y/N: "huh? O-oh yeah! Yeah I'm fine" I chuckled

We started eating and catching up on everything about whats been happening in our lives

<time skip>

Y/N: "gosh I haven't been this full in forever"

Taehyun: "yeah me *burp* neither" we both laughed "well I guess that's it then right?" I nodded and stood up "thanks for meeting me again, it's nice seeing an old classmate you don't hate" we chuckled

Y/N: "same here, well have fun with your girlfriend I'll be off" I walked to the exit but he called me back

Taehyun: "hey y/n wait!" He said catching up to me "you want me to bring you home or accompany you? I don't wanna die because of your brother" he nervously smiled

Y/N: " *chuckles* no it's ok and don't worry I'll text him that you offered but I said no"

Taehyun: "well ok be safe bye y/n!"

Y/N: "bye Taehyun! Say hi to your girlfriend for me!"

I exited the shop and started walking aimlessly to no where. Where should I go? I don't wanna go home since no ones gonna be there and I'll just be bored. I kept thinking about what to do until my phone dinged meaning I received a text. I brought it out and checked who it was

Hey y/nieee wanna come over and hangout? I could finally show you my dance you know 😂😅

I smiled at his message and replied saying I'll be going. I placed back my phone in my bag and started walking happily to his house

Heeseung's POV

Fuck I was so nervous to send that text but thank God she said yes. I went in my bathroom and started changing my clothes. Hmmm which one which one. I'm gonna be sweating so nothing white. I opened another shelf and saw the t shirt that I lost when y/n came over


Y/N: "ok I'm back let's-" I turned around and we immediately widened both of our eyes "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! PUT ON A SHIRT!" She said as she turned around and covered her eyes.

Heeseung: "I ca-can't find my shirt!"

Y/N: "do you expect me to help you?! I'll see you shirtless!"

Heeseung: "well either you help me or wait in that corner while I find my shirt" I heard her groan and she turned around and I can see her blushing really hard. I finally got to see her outfit and I was blushing hard as well. She was wearing a white sports bra and high waisted shorts. We kept looking for it but it was so awkward! She kept trying to avoid contact which I did as well. But of course there were times that we'd make eye contact and blush hard.

<flashback ends>

I held the t shirt tighter recalling the memory. Ugh I fucking miss her so much! I started tearing up remembering how we'd always fight for no reason how we go on each other's nerves. I remember when she was there for me. My heart started beating fast and my breathing became unstable. I cried harder and fell on the floor. GOD I FUCKING MISS YOU! I said crying on the floor. I banged the floor with my fist and it slowly started getting bloody. That's when I realized I should stop, y/n is coming over and she can't see any of this. I washed up and finally got dressed. Without thinking I worse the t shirt from before since it was the one I was holding

<time skip>

I opened the door and see a smiling y/n

Heeseung: "hey! Come in" I gestured her inside the house and she gladly went in "just follow me" we went up the stairs and entered the dance room. I tried making mine look like the one from my parents' house so that I could still feel at home with it.

Y/N: "wow this is huge!" She said looking around in amazement while I just chuckled at her

Y/N: "by the way I couldn't help but notice your t shirt looks familiar"

Sorry for the late update!! We had an emergency yesterday and school hasn't been the kindest with our homeworks. SUPER SORRY!! I'll try being more active and thank you again for everyone who has been commenting and voting!

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