Chapter Ten | Holding Hands is Gay

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The last two weeks had gone by in the blink of an eye. Holland never knew how much she would enjoy being here and working towards her goals as she did.

Working at the coffee shop was even something she looked forward to doing. The atmosphere was something she would be lost without as crazy as it sounded to her.

She also got better at remembering people's names and orders as they stopped by weekly or daily. She even got to help train a new employee.

"Okay, now add the chocolate to the sides of the cup so it looks cool," Holland told him.

Miles was a unique dude. He had black hair that peeked out from the hats they wore for work. His eyes were something that reminded Holland of Irish green, he seemed kinda shy at first but now he seemed to be doing better.

He was a bit shy when talking to the customers and she kinda felt bad, she knew a lot of people with social anxiety and he was definitely one of them.

"Right, sorry," he said and quickly got the chocolate sauce. It was kinda comical how worked up he would get sometimes. Holland didn't mean that in a bad way, he would just laugh off his mistakes and nervous habits.

"It's okay, no world has ended because someone forgot the chocolate sauce... except for Landrano but we don't talk about that," she said whispering the last part.

"What?!" he panicked a bit.

"Chill I was joking," Holland laughed.

He nodded, taking a minute to understand what she was talking about. While the place wasn't busy she would teach him the drinks and how to memorize them. He seemed to get them down easily.

He didn't work out front as much as she did but he still needed to learn the menu obviously. He was more of the cook and dishwasher when it was a slow day.

"So how's it going with that girl of yours," she smiled.

He had talked about his girlfriend before and how he was planning a date for their anniversary that was coming up. The way his face would light up with the thought of her made Holland smile. It was so cute.

He almost reminded her of Flynn when he told her about his crush.

"I don't know-I'm kinda nervous about it, she isn't the biggest fan of surprises so it's been tricky planning it. Her mom has had to cover for me so she didn't think I was cheating or something," he laughed.

"Hey, she will love it though. Who wouldn't like a trip to the beach, especially since the weather here has been a complete nightmare," Holland stated.

The idea was for him to take her to the place they first met and have a romantic weekend at the beach. He was still fixing out the little things like how he was going to get her in a car for two days without telling her where they were going.

"I know, I know it's ugh, annoying. What about you, did you ask your girl out?" he grinned.

Holland might have told him about her own plans for Ember and her.

Miles and Holland had become good friends over the last few weeks and he even had some helpful advice for some dates. However, he didn't know Ember so some of them were not going to work.

She didn't seem like the girl who would like going ice skating or for a mall date, but she could be wrong. Holland wanted to do something special, something Ember would want to do but wouldn't do herself.

"I'm working on it, just because she's my girlfriend doesn't make things easier," Holland stated, taking an order.

As she made the coffee she thought back to last week when Ember asked Holland to be her girlfriend. She figured she would die alone having never dated anyone, sure she had a fling in middle school but that was it. It lasted a total of a week before she couldn't stand the sight of him.

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