44. Forgiveness

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Her name rang in my ears as I just stared at her. The smile stayed on her face even though I probably looked like a crazy person, gawking at her with my mouth practically open and my eyes almost bugging out of my head. Well, that was probably a bit of an exaggeration, but it was close enough.

Violetta was gorgeous, of course. Her blonde hair shone in gentle, shiny waves over her shoulders, her brown eyes practically glowing under long lashes, her toned stomach showing under a cropped long-sleeve top. She radiated confidence and optimism, and I suddenly felt very inferior in her presence.

When I hadn't said anything for an embarrassingly long time, Violetta raised her eyebrows at me. "So, do you know where Millie is?"

I snapped out of my trance. "Oh, um, yeah, she's in the back. I'll go grab her for you." I began to turn away, but Violetta stopped me.

"Wait." I turned back to see her looking at me, frowning slightly in confusion. "Are you... are you Liliana?"

Fantastic. She knew who I was. "Yeah, I am." I forced a small smile, trying to match her positivity. "How did you know?"

"Millie told me." She gave me a wry smile. "Not Joseph, if that's what you're thinking. I haven't seen him since I've been back."

I tried not to be relieved. Or at least, I tried not to let my relief show. "Oh."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to just come out with that." The genuine smile was back on her face, eyes bright. "It's just that Millie filled me in on everything, so I'm just trying to, you know, connect all the dots."

Her tone of voice was so upbeat and friendly. It was really confusing me because on one hand, this was Violetta, and on the other hand, her aura just made me want to be friends with her. "Yeah, of course."

She looked at me for a moment and then said, "actually, do you have time to sit down for a quick coffee with me? It won't be awkward, I swear."

I glanced around the coffee shop. It was quiet in here today, and there were quite a few people working, so I nodded and made us a couple of coffees while she grabbed a table.

I took the coffees over and slid into the sit, my movements stiff. Once I was sat opposite her, I took a sip of my coffee, not making eye contact with Violetta.

"So," she started brightly. "I know this is weird, but I wanted to meet you."

I looked at her doubtfully. "You did?" Probably to size me up. Although she seemed so nice it was doubtful that she had any bad intentions.

"I did. I mean, Millie is rarely nice about people, and she said you were tolerable. Coming from her, that's basically saying she's in love with you. So, I gotta admit, I was curious."

I gave a huff of amusement. "You sure Millie said that? You're not making that up?"

"I'm sure." Violetta beamed at me. I almost had to squint at her. And then her smile faded slightly for the first time since she walked in here. "So, you and Joseph, huh?"

My chest twinged, and I looked down at my hands. "Uh, yeah. Well. Not anymore."

"Right. Alice found out about you guys." I looked back up at Violetta to see genuine sympathy on her face. "I've been there."

I gave her a slight smile. "Has she forgiven you yet?"

"Hard to say. I haven't seen her in person since everything happened, but she did send me a message on my birthday, so there's that," she said, winking at me. "She holds a grudge. She and Joseph are similar in that way."

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