🐻Goldie & the third Dare🐻

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Goldie entered the party, pushing through the ocean of foul, sweaty bodies,

"fucking discusting!" She hissed. Her heart beginning to take on the rythum of the music, as usual.

This would be her third party in a month. It was all becoming too ordinary, boring....typical. Goldie thrived on excitement and this shit no longer excited her in the least. Yet once again here she was in a cesspool of grinding bodies.

She found herself a corner, sitting back to watch the show. She torched up a blunt and mixed herself a good strong drink. The same thing she always did every fucking time.

Goldie was hit on by the same boring guys, but refused to hook up with the losers that frequented these parties, she wasn't that damn desperate to get fucked. She could get more from her pinky finger.

After a couple hours the party began to die down. And of course Jason's loud mouth vibrated annoyingly throughout the room.

"Truth or Dare! All you assholes left gather round," his big fucking irritating voice boomed out.

Everyone formed a circle in his large living room, except for Goldie. She stayed back in the shadows wanting to avoid another stupid ass dare. She had gotten a God damn dare the past two times and she certainly wasn't going for a third.

If it was a dare that was worth a fuck...hell yes she'd enjoy it...but this foolish juvenile shit, nooo she would pass and sit this one out.

She liked to watch everyone else make a damn fool of themselves, while she sucked on the rest of the cigar sized blunt. She was high af right now, so this should be good.

The game came to an end after everyone making complete and total asses of themselves, which made for a good show. Just as she stood up on her feet Jason's big fat mouth rang out in her sensative ears.

"Little Miss Goooldieee, I see you over there. You are the last....and you know what that means girl! " He smiled evily.

"Nope bitch... not this time!" Goldie snapped and started to walk away.

"I knew you would try to cower away on this one... you couldn't pull it off anyway!" He spoke challengingly.

"At least listen to what the dare is...I think you'll be highly impressed Miss Goldie Lox." He sniggered knowing she fucking despised being called by her full name.

"Shut your God damn big mouth or I swear to holy Jesus I'll slit your throat while you sleep dickhead!" Everyone laughed as she stood with a grimace on her face, giving him her most deadliest stare.

She was a very pretty, petite girl. Her looks were certainly deceiving and did not match her saucy, brash, take no shit attitude.

She possessed a Rottweiler persona with a lovely little Poodle appearance.

"Ok...ok...stand down girl. Will you at least listen to the dare before you bat outta hell on me?" He looked at her with his head tilted.

"Ok bitch...spit it!...you have 2 minutes before I scram! She stood, arms crossed over her chest in her famous sassy stance.

"If you can do this...you will be the ultimate fucking winner of this whole game." He bowed before her, as if she were royalty.

"Ok prick...continue!...continue!" She commanded, waving her hands in the air dramatically.

"Ok we all know about that creepy ass cabin in the woods on the other side of town." Everyone started chattering among each other.

"Everyone also knows...that some bizarre shit goes on there, people have heard screaming, crazy noises, shadows...even been chased. As far as I know three people live there, but no one has ever confirmed that...or seen their faces for that matter." Jason spoke in a haunting tone.

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