Chapter 12 - Training

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Adelina's pov:

-"Follow me", Dimitri said and headed to the training field. The training field was the size of a football stadium. It had an area with painted circles on the ground, where the man to man battles took place. Also there was a big table with plenty weapons laying on, from medieval to modern, such as knives, swords, shields, axes, bats, guns with silver bullets, machine guns, revolvers, rifles and others.

In the free area many warriors were training. Dimitri told them to stop and line up. They followed immediately. He asked one of them, I think his name was Gregory, to step forward. A very tall and muscular man came forward. He made the acquaintances and ordered us to fight.

-"You will fight in three rounds that gonna last a total of thirty seconds. Twenty seconds in your human and ten in your wolf's form. While you are human, you will fight only with your body the first ten and the next ten you are allowed to use whatever weapon you like. You aren't allowed to shift until I order you to. Begin!" Dimitri explained to us.

We started moving around the perimeter of the battle circle. I didn't want to start first, as I wanted to weigh his moves. Our canines began to elongate and our nails grew longer and sharper. After some seconds encircling one another, he attacked me first throwing punches to me from all directions. I was repelling his attack satisfactorily for some minutes until I managed to throw him down with a strong punch to his left leg. He stood up abruptly, it was obvious that he didn't anticipate that and he was very angry about it. He attacked me again, this time more fiercely. His hits became rapid and relentless. I dodged some punches until one found me at the sides and threw me down. When he tried to kick me, I rolled over and stood up. He came closer to me and began punching me again.

I continued defending myself and when he slowed down I counterattacked with all the strength I was holding back. I kicked him and punched him several times in several places until I managed to kick him where the sun doesn't shine. He fell down. I kicked and punched him some more, while he was defending himself. He stood up again and gave me some blows. I dodged some and gave him some too. We were holding each other's arms when Dimitri separated us and yelled.

-"Second round, choose your weapons".

We headed to the table where all the weapons were lying. I took a sword while he took an axe. He began his attack right away. He managed to make some blows with his axe. I managed to block most of them, although I was cut up in a few places. I know I will heal; my wolf will take care of that. In the mid while, I focused on my attack. With my sword I carved him in the face and managed to make some deep cuts on his sides and his abdomen. He lost his balance and gave me the opportunity to attack him full speed. I had the upper hand and I was going to make him surrender. He finally conceded his defeat. It was then that Dimitri shouted.

- "Third round, shift!"

I shifted in my white wolf while he shifted in his brown with grey spots wolf. He was much bigger than me but I was much quicker and I was determined to use it for my benefit. He tried to bite me in my sides but with a quick maneuver I managed to avoid him. Then he lunged for my legs but I managed to avoid the bite. His wolf was stronger but I was quicker and made him tired quickly with my maneuvers and my twists and turns. We were fighting about ten minutes in our wolves form when he made the mistake to jump on me. I dodged and rolled over my body. I rolled up my sleeves and with a full speed attack I managed to bite his already wounded abdomen. Then I continued aiming at his sides. I managed to throw him down and bite him at his neck. Of course after that I was declared winner. The others warriors began clapping and cheering for me. I made a bow as a thank you. And they cheered more when they all suddenly stopped, looked at me and bowed their heads simultaneously. At first I was taken aback by their reaction. Usually wolves bow when high-ranking members are present... "Why did they do that to me? Do they do it to every winner?" I wondered. And then I felt it, the beautiful smell of my mate: cinnamon, pine and lemon. I looked behind me: Maximus stood there with his arms crossed, haughty and arrogant. I felt his aura, strong and dominating. He cleared his throat and after he made a loud growl he shouted.

-"What the hell is going on here?"

Dimitri bowed at him and then replied.

-" Good evening Alpha! Ordinary training as always, sir. We're glad you came to watch us. Do you want us to make a demonstration for you?"

Maximus looked at him angrily. His eyes were on fire. He addressed to the warriors and ordered.

- "You are all dismissed. Go get some rest."

We all began scattering when he came in front of me, lowered his voice and said imposingly into my ear "Except from you. You stay."

When they were all gone we left the three of us: Maximus, Dimitri and I. Maximus turned towards Dimitri and with a menacing tone told him.

-"What is she doing here Gamma?"

You could see that he was trying too hard to keep his nerves and compose himself. He was in rage.

-"She is my new trainee. She is very good. I will put her in the team of our best warriors. In fact she will be my second in command of this team, her skills and techniques are unbeatable. She has just bitten Gregory. Can you imagine?" Dimitri exclaimed enthusiastically.

- "This is something you should have discussed with me first, don't you think Gamma?" Maximus said imposingly.

- "With all due respect Alpha, it did not cross my mind. Adding or promoting trainees to higher levels is one of my responsibilities that I always do without your permission for years! All this time you have never challenged any decision of mine. What has changed now? Do you have doubts about my abilities?" Dimitris asked.

-"No, I don't. But also I do not want this woman in the warriors' team" Maximus responded calmly but strictly.

-"I honestly don't see the reason why not....According to the pack law she is free to participate. It is her right to learn how to defend herself or fight Alpha". Dimitri said and addressing to me asked "Do you still want to train with us Adelina?"

-"Of course I want to. In fact I am thrilled with the idea" I answered excitingly.

- "Dimitri you are dismissed" Maximus told him with a blank face.

- "Alpha". Dimitri bowed and then looking at me, said. " I will wait for you tomorrow, same time same place. Don't be late" he said giving me a wink and continued "Good night" and then he left us alone.

-"You, follow me to the office now." Maximus ordered me in a strict way. It was obvious that the whole situation was unbearable to him. He was literally fuming.

He headed to his office and I followed behind. I sensed the frustration and the anger he was feeling. For the first time since I came here, I wasn't intimidated by his reaction. I don't know if it was due to the adrenaline I was feeling from the fight or because I've been training myself for days not to be affected by him or his antics. We reached at his office. He opened, entered and waited for me to get in. When I did, he locked the door and took the key. Maybe I shouldn't be so confident after all....

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