Chapter 25 - Luna's ceremony

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Adelina's pov:

I suddenly snapped out of my hypnosis and told him in a serious way:

-"Please stop the act. You know there's no point telling me these things. We're all alone right now. I've already accepted our deal. As long as you abide by it, I'm satisfied. You don't have to convince me of anything , I know your true feelings."

-"What I do or say is because I feel it, not because I want to convince you for something. Besides I don't need it" he said giving me a piercing look.

I looked away. I could no longer bear to look at him or listen to his flattering words. Even if all this time that I'm here my heart longed to hear those words, I have a hard time believing them. So I did what I always do when I want to get out of an awkward situation: I changed the subject.

-"I thought I would go to the clearing by myself where you and the rest of the pack would be waiting for me. Why are you here? Don't you know you're going to be late?"

-"You are wrong. This time we won't follow the traditional way. Everything will occur differently".

-" And why is that?"

-"Because many things have changed since the day I've met you" he said looking me directly in the eyes.

-"For me certainly many things have changed and unfortunately not for the better" I sadly contradicted.

Maximus didn't seem affected by my words. He took a few steps into the room and approached me in a flirtatious manner. I discreetly moved away.

-"We are going to be late. We should get going" I pointed.

-"I guess you're right" he said with a sigh. He approached me again giving me his elbow. I hesitated for a moment. Although his new behavior was very sweet and sensual, it made me very uncomfortable. After his prompting, I finally put my hand on his elbow. When I did, I felt the usual sparks cover my entire body and a knot sit in my stomach.  I also felt safe and secure for the first time in my life. Like that was the right place for me to be, like I belonged here in his arms. "What's wrong with me? Is the bond working?"

We left the house and followed the clearing accompanied by four guards all the way. Our steps were small and careful. Maximus had his head up waving and greeting each member of the pack that was cheering and praising us standing on either side of the road. Although my head was also  high, I was more relaxed and happy to wave at everyone. As we reached the clearing we were left alone and continued on our own towards the sacred rock. The setting was wonderful, like it was taken out of a fairy tale. The sky was clear and one could see all the stars and constellations. The full moon was illuminating the clearing making the landscape look magical and eerie. The shadows of the trees over the cliff combined with the moonlight created a beautiful path enhanced by lighted torches placed on either side along it. In front of the rock on a platform, stood the priest of our Goddess waiting for our approach. He was dressed in white and gold, our Goddesse's favorite colors, and held a golden knife carved with the sacred reliefs of our religion. As soon as we reached him, he made a signal to all to be quiet, and then said in a pompous manner:

-"We are gathered here today first to thank our Goddess Artemis for revealing our new Luna to our Alpha and second to witness their union. May our Goddess be eternally glorified."

-"May our Goddess be eternally glorified" repeated the crowd in unison.

The priest made a silence signal with his hands and continued.

-"With the strength given to me by our Goddess, I bless your union and may your union be filled with prosperity, peace and security. May our Lords be healthy, strong and always one."

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