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"Get over here now," I growled into the phone, early in the morning. "Shift and meet me in the woods behind my house and let's get this over with."
"Be careful how you speak to me Kai, my wolf doesn't like it."
"Stop fucking talking to me like that," I snapped at him, not liking this shift in how he treated me. He never would have talked to me like this before.
"It's a fair warning," he said tightly. "You poke the wolf, the fangs come out." He reminded me of his stupid bite that was now bruising on my neck. Not healing like it should and worrying me.
If Ash, an elder and a good friend of my dads, was in town, I could ask him and he'd know what to do. He was the only other person other than Shadow who I could trust with my secret. Well, at least, I hoped I could trust Shadow. Or anyone for that matter.
Ive seen it before: someone goes omega. Alphas go crazy. Families turn their back. Betas bully the shit out of them. It was a complete nightmare.
And now it was my reality.
I felt like if I gave into Shadow, then it would be all downhill from there. Being treated like a bitch by every alpha. I would rather die than spend the rest of my life crawling on my knees and belly for anyone.
But as Shadow rounded the corner of my house and stalked towards me through the layer of trees like a man on a mission, not shifted as I had told him to be, his intense stare feeling as if it were burning a hole in my face until Im forced to look away with a shiver and a pounding heart, I realized there was one person I'd crawl for.
My mood turned dark as that thought popped up unwelcomed in my mind. He stopped a good few feet away from me as if he were afraid to be near me.
My cheeks burned as I realized I was staring at his feet, waiting for him to speak first.
"Kai," he began and his voice shot straight to my dick and to my embarrassment, I nearly moaned. He only said my name as he normally would but my body reacted as if he had purred It against my bare skin.
I choked on the sound of me nearly moaning, cheeks blazing, my eyes skating over his face before looking at a spot over his shoulder. For a second that I could look into his stupid eyes, I saw satisfaction.
Gods I felt like a dog in heat (oh yeah I was )as he continued, "I have to rub against your bare skin, you'll have to get naked."
Was he fucking with me? My eyes shot to his and i once again, tried holding on to look and see if he was playing with me. His eyes narrowed as I kept his gaze. He stalked closer to me but froze as I started to undressed. Tossing off my shirt and then kicking off my jeans. It was as if I were a puppet being controlled by strings and Shadow was the puppet master.
He barley had to say a word. It was all in his eyes. The anger and lust mixing up into a warning.
If I hadn't, he would have taken them off for me. Sure I could whoop his ass, but I knew the moment he got his hands on me, I would become putty in his arms.
It's all the wolves fault. This was proof that werewolves were merely slaves to their wolf selves. There's no way I would willingly want to bend over for my best friend. To have him paint my insides. My whole mind had been transformed, my thought process obviously belonging to my omega wolf.
Can the real Kai please stand up? Before I seriously embarrass myself well beyond what I already have.
I feel like I would be a lot more freaked out if it was anyone other than Shadow. He's always been there, we dress in front of each other, sleep next to each other, we do everything together. It was almost like he was my other half. So I knew we could get through this awkward change in our wolves - for now. But this whole sexual tension needed to be gone.
"Go ahead," I said through clenched teeth, standing in nothing but boxers and shoes. "Shift and rub against me already and get It over with."
Shadow crossed his arms and my eyes were drawn to the tick in his jaw. The movement made my knees feel like jelly as I groaned and fell to my knees.
Being able to read Shadows expressions was now a curse as my wolf responded to him being angry and I suddenly felt the need to please him.
"Please," I choked out as I bowed my head, all thought leaving me as Shadow stepped in front of me, running his hand through my hair like I was his pet. It pissed me off but instead of vibrating with hatred, it felt more like i was vibrating with need. I was filled with affection at the simple act of him combing his fingers through my hair.
"Please," I said, more desperately as the air around me seemed to thicken and I had no idea what I was even begging for at this point. He swiped the curly hair out of my eyes and then gripped my chin to force me to look up at him. I had wanted to look him in the eye, but not like this. Not on my knees, his junk practically in my face as he looked down at me with his dark eyes and dark expression. I could feel a whine of need working it's way up inside of me. Sun in the sky, I was all but flipping over and sticking my ass in the air as I nearly did yesterday. And trust me, every instinct told me to do just that.
So why are you so hard?
Fuck, how I was hard. I wanted to cum so bad, it hurt. Why was I so needy for it? Shadow brushed the tips of his fingers across the bruising of the bite he gave me and I shot forward and licked him.
Right on the crotch, on his jeans. I pulled back in surprise at my actions but before I could think too hard on it, Shadow dropped to his knees in front of me and we were at eye level. Before I could feel the burn of staring back into his eyes, he had hold of the back of my neck and was pulling me to him, pressing his mouth firmly against mine.
Almost immediately, I opened my mouth to him in a moan and he shoved his way inside and I could practically feel the desperation as he shoved me down and his tongue dominated mine.
My legs fell wide open and before I could shut the traitorous limbs, Shadow was slipping between them, putting his weight on top of me as he bent down for another kiss.
"Shadow," I whined as he started rolling his hips, reaching in between us to unzip his jeans and shove them down his legs, he ripped my boxers to shreds and started to stroke his dick against mine. I reached out to grab us both and pump us until we came, but once again, Shadow gripped my wrists and held them above my head, against the ground.
"Damn you," I hissed as he picked up the pace, rubbing against me. "Don't do this to me," I tried to growl out but it sounded weak as I ended the sentence with a moan, tossing my head this way and that, the same way I used to make Claire; my ex, squirm underneath me; he was doing to me now. And I love-hated every second of it.
My heart was beating out my chest as his hard body moved against mine; he grunted above me and I could tell he was going to finish soon.
All thoughts left me as his dick slipped between my crack and he pinned my shoulders down as he used his knees to push my legs further apart.
"No!" I gasped out as I felt his dick nudging my asshole. "Not that." I couldn't let him have this. No matter how my body reacted to him; this wasn't what I wanted. I wasn't gay. And if I was, I damn sure wasn't a bottom.
If anything I should be on top. It should be me bending Shadow over- no wait, neither one of us should be doing anything to each other what we'd regret later. And boy, whenever this haze lifted I knew we'd feel dumb as fuck for how we acted. But eventually we would just look back on it and have a good but awkward laugh about the whole thing. But not if we penetrated each other. We'd never would so easily fall back into friendship after that. Animal instincts or not.
Shadow growled and all thoughts fled and I wanted to whimper and buck my hips but knew if I did he would easily slip inside of me and all would be lost. He was barely stopping now, I doubted he would be able to hold back once inside.
"Why are you torturing us?" Shadow growled into my neck before he was tonguing the bite mark.
Without warning, he flipped me over and started stroking his dick against my ass. "Don't you want to cum Kai?" He licked my ear. "Don't you want to feel complete?" He kept rolling his hips and so was I, much to my horror.  "I want to pound your ass into the dirt until you're begging to be filled with my cum, until it's dripping out of you slowly all day and everyone will know who you belong to. That you're mine. Only mine," fuck, I wish he stopped talking like that because it made me want to give in so bad. It's just the alpha haze coming over his brain, he'd regret these words later. And I would regret how I reacted to them. "They'll smell me on you but they won't know just yet that they are smelling me, they'll simply just think they are smelling an alpha. That you're an alpha. Don't you want that?" I tried reaching for my cock as he talked, but he slapped my hand away. I moaned, feeling tortured, feeling as if all I needed was one touch from him and I would be able to find release.
He was doing this on purpose, I realized. Not letting me cum. Torturing me sexually to get his way.
Rage filled me as I bucked and elbowed him. "Get off me fucking prick," I jumped away from him. Shadow growled but stayed still as I panted, face flushed feeling pathetic at how easily my body gave into him, even when I knew the games he was playing. "Why are you doing this to me? You're supposed to be my friend and you're taking advantage!" I all but howled. He eyed my raging hard on and smirked.
"Are you not enjoying yourself Kai?" He taunted as he moved a little closer, causing me to scoot away. He grabbed my ankle and yanked me hard until I was nearly underneath him again within a blink of an eye. I felt hopeless to escape him. And the hardest pill to swallow, was the fact that if I really wanted to, I could best him and get away. But my body didn't want to leave, it was screaming, no begging, for me to give in already.
"What do you want Kai? To cum?" He laughed as he was once again on top of me, bending down to whisper in my ear. "Then cum," he said as his tongue flicked out to lick and suck on my earlobe.
Light burst behind my eyes as I did just that.
Holy fucking shit. One word from him . Not even him touching my dick. And here I was coating us in my cum. "Good boy," he practically growled in my ear. "Now it's my turn."

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