47 Kai

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So many of us. I look around in awe as so many faces looked at me expectantly.
"We split up in twos, cover more area. Make sure one of the two keeps a phone in hand, text the chat immediately for back up. No shifting unless last resort, be safe everyone, I'm sure it's nothing," I mumbled the last part because it felt like a lie. The hairs on my arms were standing up. Something wasn't right. Maybe it was werewolf intuition, but something bad was happening nearby. I could almost feel some type of negative energy coming from my left, down the road. Everything in me told me to run the other way.
Which was why I had to head towards that direction. It could be nothing more than paranoia, but i just had a feeling. Maybe it was Shadow I was sensing. Maybe he was in trouble.
My heart ached at the thought of him alone, in danger.
I wished Shadow was here. Mostly because he was going to kill me for being out here without him. But I had to remind myself that it wasn't fair for him to rush off in danger and expect me to sit around. And if he was going to try to use alpha bullying techniques to keep me put then I'd be forced to use the safeword. It's what made me feel safe being an omega in a relationship with an alpha; knowing we had a system and that he listened and respected the safeword last time.
"C'mon," I nodded my head at my ride here. She squared her shoulders and nodded as we all broke apart in different directions.
"Fuck Shadow, where are you?" I muttered as we jogged towards the area I had a sense about. The closer I got the more I felt terror, a feeling to run away. And once we reached an abandoned mall with a parking garage as the lower level, I knew we were in the right spot. Something was going on inside. My wolf was howling for me to tuck tail and run.
But I wouldn't let myself become a coward. As we got closer, I only wished I had brought more backup.
"Text the chat, tell a few to come this way," I told her after we stepped inside the dark empty garage, stepping over caution tap and barracks. My heart thumped in my chest as I stood and listened.
"But we haven't found anything yet, I should wait, we don't want to distract the others in their search and -"
"Shhh," I hushed her as I listened around me. I swore as she talked I heard something like a muffled cry. And footsteps. She went still next to me cocking her head.
Our breathing filled my ear as I transformed them to wolf ear to hear better.
She did the same.
Muffled noises came from a level up. Our eyes looked upwards immediately as if we could see through walls.
"Someone's crying" I said the same time as she said, "you're right I'm texting the chat."
"Text and walk, she sounds distressed," I launched forward on both legs, wanting to shift but knowing better as we were in the city and it wasn't allowed. If a wolf was spotted in the city the alpha would make sure their was hell to pay. And we didn't want to bring attention to our group. Our pack within a pack.
"Wait up!" She called out but the blood was pumping in my ears and I could hear more crying. That poor girl. Something was happening and I had to stop whatever it was before it was too late. I could tell she wasn't alone. My feet slapped around the concrete underneath me as I rounded up to the next level, dirty signs pointing the way to "level B".
The feeling of dread and terror grew as I drew closer and closer to the noises. As I drew closer I was almost afraid to see.
Slowing down so I could at least have the element of surprise, I snuck closer, looking over my shoulder to find that girl, Katie? wasn't behind me. I stopped dead, cocking my head, but I didn't hear her. Shit.
Pulling out my phone, I knew I shouldn't be stupid. At least anymore stupid than I was already being. Coming here without a group was a bad idea. And running ahead of Kathy, my only backup, was even more stupid.
"Everyone to the abandoned mall on 8th-"I started to text into the group chat.
"Put the phone down," a rough voice caused me to jump, my nerves were already fried with terror thanks to my bitch of a wolf and I was embarrassed to say I dropped my phone. And more heard the crack than saw it as my eyes landed on a very tall, very muscular older man. He had scars all over his face, twisting his features and a thick beard with two scars slashed thru the hair there. And Cat or whatever her name was, was in his clutches. In one hand he held her phone, crushing it with just a squeeze.
Another werewolf.
Maybe a rogue or maybe apart of a pack that roamed around causing trouble for other werewolves. I've heard all the stories, knew from time to time a were would go missing, but it was like a scary story told over campfires; it's not as if I've ever experienced one before. Shadow knew all about the horrors of other weres. And I knew his story. But I had chopped it up to being a once in a lifetime type of thing.
Swallowing around the lump of my throat I held my hands up. "Please; let her go."
The were cocked his head and sniffed the air. And then cocked his head again.
I started to sweat profusely as his eyes drilled into mine. Immediately my gaze lowered slightly, I swung them to look at Katherine, who was trembling in terror. This was all my fault. I could sense danger and lead her into it and practically ran from her, leaving her alone.
"Come closer boy," the stray wolf growled out. "Let me get a better smell," he sniffed at the air again.
"Let her go, and I'll do whatever you want-" no sooner as those words left my lips did he pull Kaylee flush against his front, hand on her throat.
"Kai," she cried out before he squeezed his big meaty and hairy hand over her throat, cutting off her air. She dug her nails into his hand and I could see her starting to shift as he nails turned to claws and her eyes flashed. The man shifted his own hand, claws at her neck.
"Like I said before, shift and I rip your throat out girl," he told her and she whimpered as she relaxed back fully in her human form.
"Now come here boy, or I'll kill this one and then come grab you anyway."
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This situation was very serious. I wanted to remain brave but my wolf was screaming at me to run and it was getting harder to ignore. And this wolf... he was smelling at the air as if he could smell me. I could barley look into his intense eyes. My knees felt weak, like I wanted to sink to them and I knew I was close to exposing my truth.
A trained adult wolf could spot an omega, could smell one. It was easy enough to fool those I went to school with and my parents who have always wanted me to be alpha. But to fool anyone else? It was a miracle the alpha didn't know right away when I had stood in front of him.
I started forward slowly. "Just let her go. Me and you will talk. Let her go now," I said patiently like talking to a child or someone about to jump off a bridge. "Whatever you want, it's yours, just leave her alone."
He cocked his head at me again like a dog would when curious. I could practically see his thoughts forming.
He shoved Kaitlyn away from him as a smile formed on his lips. "I smell you boy," he hissed, sniffing the air again as one did when they walked into the mall and smelled warm pretzels.

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