Part 6

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Though Damian had not been permitted to help decide what class came to Gotham, his father had made the executive decision that he should socialize with the foreigners.

To say the young man was annoyed was a severe understatement. Not only had he not found the time to ask Angel if she had won the trip, he'd hardly even talked to her the previous day.

He knew that she had gotten a lot of sleep though, and that was good. "DEMON SPAWN!" he heard Jason yell. "WHERE'S MY GUN?" The former assassin allowed himself a small smirk as he thought about the question.

Todd never went anywhere without the thing, so Damian had taken it upon himself to annoy Jason with it as one of his tools. "Baby Bird doesn't have time to help you find it," Grayson shouted down the hall. "We're giving the French class a tour of the Botanical Gardens."

Damian rolled his eyes. He exited his room and walked over to Jason's. The older man scowled at his younger brother before letting him in. Damian carefully made his way through the stacks of weaponry to the bed. He then reached under Jason's pillow to grab the gun.

"Just because you can't keep track of your belongings, Todd, doesn't mean that I stole them." The young man looked the firearm over before handing it to Jason. "Your muffler needs replacing. Also, my gun that I haven't pulled out of my closet in two years is cleaner than this. Honestly, for a gun fanatic, you don't take very good care of yours."

Damian could practically hear Jason rolling his eyes as he walked back out of the room. He headed downstairs to grab a quick breakfast before they had to go meet the class. When he reached the kitchen, Zombie Drake was standing at the counter, making coffee.

"Drake, did you sleep at all last night? If not, go to bed! No one wants to deal with you passing out at work," Dick said as he walked in.

Alfred suddenly appeared out of nowhere and it was a testament to how sleep deprived Tim was that he didn't even flinch. Damian didn't ever flinch, but that was because he'd been trained not to show any emotion, including surprise.

"Master Richard is right, Master Timothy.You need to go to sleep before you go to work." Tim made an unintelligible noise at Alfred's words. He took a couple of sips of his coffee before looking even more exhausted instead of less.

The man scowled at the other members of the household. "Really a sedative? I would have gone to bed eventually. There was no need to drug m..." Drake's voice trailed off as he started to slump forward. Alfred moved forward and caught him.

"Your usual breakfast is on the table, Master Damian, Master Dick. Good luck with the class today. I must go put Master Timothy in his bed before he wakes back up."

The two brothers quickly ate their breakfast in silence. That peace was broken when Dick looked up with a huge grin on his face. "Are you ready to face the day, Baby Bird?" he asked cheerfully. The dark haired boy in question scowled at his brother's enthusiasm.

"No, I would much rather train," he replied in a monotone voice. "I have always done my best to avoid incompetent people. Unfortunately, I have to deal with you idiots on the daily, and now I have to deal with the French class which is just a promise of incompetence."

"There's my baby brother! I was concerned that something had happened to you when you gave Jason back his gun with no hassle."

Damian smirked. "You shouldn't have been. I dusted the thing with a powder that will react with his cleaning agent to cause instant corrosion."

Grayson side-eyed him. "Won't it come off before the next time he cleans it?"

"I told him that my gun I haven't taken out of my closet in two years is cleaner. It is. I didn't bring it out of the closet to clean it and I did so just after I got up, thus the statement was technically accurate. He should have a corroded gun any minute now. We should get going. We have first impressions to make after all."

The two made their way to the Wayne Hotel and walked up to the woman who appeared to be the class's chaperone as she gathered up the class. Damian noticed a bluenette standing off to the side when a blonde guy and a blonde girl. When he realized that they were speaking English, he moved closer to the trio.

"We could stab her. That would deal with the whole problem," the blonde girl suggested.

"Or," the guy said, "we could push her off the bridge into the Seine."

"No killing!" the bluenette exclaimed in a very familiar sounding voice.


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