Part 21

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I'm glad that the Bats agreed to help us. "Marinette, we need to leave!" Chloe's shrill voice shook Mari out of her thoughts of the previous night's meeting.

"What do you mean that we need to leave? We still have an hour until our tour of Wayne Tower and the bus isn't supposed to be here for another fifteen minutes," the bluenette asked, confused.

Chloe sighed. "Well apparently it got here early. Liar-la says that it's time to go."

Mari groaned. "Of course she did. Let's go." The two hurried downstairs to meet up with their class to find their peers already boarding the bus. The blonde and bluenette rushed to join them.

Adrien grinned at them. "I'm glad you two made it. I was worried that you wouldn't get here in time that would have been a hassle."

Marinette rolled her eyes at him. "Well we made it. Now get on the bus, Sunshine."

Once all of them were on the bus, it took off towards Wayne Tower. When they got there, Lila pranced up to the receptionist looking smug. "We're here for our tour of the Tower." She said in severely accented English.

The woman glanced at Liar-la. "Name?" she asked, seemingly uninterested. The look on Lila's face turned snobby.

"Lila Rossi. Damian Wayne's girlfriend. I'm kind of a big deal."

Before the receptionist could point out the obvious lie, the front doors burst open. There, in all of his hideous glory, stood the Joker. Except, there was something off about his appearance.

The colors of his suit were more vibrant that any sort of normal fabric. There was also the fact that his fave looked like a mask instead of his typically terrible makeup. He's been akumatized.

The realization hit just before Liar-la noticed the villain standing there. "It's the Joker!" she shrieked, drawing his attention to them. Mari grabbed Chloe and Adrien and pulled them into a room. Thankfully it was empty.

"We need to transform. The Joker out there is akumatized. You two focus on evacuating the building. I'll call for backup and keep him distracted until they get here."

Adrien frowned. "I thought distraction was my job."

The bluenette shook her head. "Not today, Kitty. I need your humor to ease the civilian's anxiety." With those words, Marinette transformed. The two blondes quickly followed suit.

Honey Bee and Panther hurried out of the room to start evacuating civilians, but Scarlette Guardian stayed behind. Demon, we need back up at Wayne Tower. There's an akumatized Joker. Honey Bee and Panther are running evac. I'll keep him distracted until you all can get here.

"I'll let the others know. We'll be there as quickly as possible." The mind link cut off and Scarlette took that as her cue to join the fight. Sticking her comm in her ear, she slipped out of the room to fight the Joker.

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