17 2/2 final chapter !

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''noo!! minji please''

'' Y/N she's gone ...'' jungkook sighed, even he had tears in his eyes. bringing me into a hug.

''it's all my fault'' I cried

the room fell silent only my quiet sobs could be heard...


we are home now, but no one is talking I haven't changed, and I haven't showered I'm just in my room on the bed. the walls around me suffocating me the more I'm in there.


all I feel is pain and dried tears on my face, why did this have to happen to me?. I know it wasn't my fault yet I still see blood on my hands. I don't want to be alone right now, but I feel like my body is chained to my bed unable to move to the people who saved me, took care of me.

soft knocks on the door take me out of my depressive trance

"y/n?" I hear

as the door opens wider letting in light from the corridors.


"where is he yoongi?" asked blankly

due to the impact of minji my dad father received heavy head trauma and bled out

"he is far from here" he replied

"where is he?"


yoongi walks closer to the bed before laying down beside me. it was still silent just our breaths could be heard. yet it was so comforting.

"are you alright?" yoongi asked turning to me

I nodded not having the energy to talk

he lays back down

"I want a funeral for her," I say abruptly

"we can do that"

" are her parents okay?" I asked

" as okay as you can feel when you get told her daughter 'killed herself' "

yoongi and the others had to cover up the whole incident they have connections so it mustn't have been hard...

"let's go eat hm? hyung has prepared dinner, you know how he feels when we take long"

we walk downstairs into the dining room to see everyone already seated at the table. once again it was silent. the silence following me everywhere.

"thank you for the meal," I said as I sat down

"you're welcome " Jin smiled his ear pointing up

sometimes I forget they are not humans...

"y/n wants a funeral for minji" yoongi brought up suddenly, making everyone turn to me

"Are you sure y/n? you don't have to" Jimin half frowned

" I'm sure... it feels like the right thing to do after all she did save me," I said now looking down at my food once again feeling the unintentional burning gazes of them all

" i'll contact the parents later about the funeral but for now let's forget about it okay? it's been a rough time." namjoon stated

everyone went back to eating shortly after.

soon diner was finished and i was doing the dishes with taehyung, it was nice we just joked around and threw bubbles everywhere before being scolded by jin for making such a mess. it was nice to not be feeling so down.

But I knew it wouldn't last.
Soon I'd have to go to minji's funeral and say goodbye to her.

"Y/N?" Jungkook called
"We are going to watch a movie I was wondering if you wanted to join,,, you don't have to but I want you to but Of course I don't tell you what to do aha-"

Why is he like this ? I laugh to myself
"Of course I'll join you " I say skipping to the living room. All the boys were already there some on the couches that were scattered all over the room and some on the floor.

Jungkook sat down first before patting the seat next to him. Namjoon searching through the list of movies all of which I have not heard of before.


Today is the day.
The day we morn, the day I wish never had to come, the day I didnt know was coming.

After many weeks of preparation with minjis family,loved ones and friends from school we were able to prepare a funeral.

So we stand her all gathered the boys respectfully with their heads down silent cries is all you could hear as we think of the good and bad times.

Is it normal to feel this empty? I've never experienced a feeling quite like this nor do I wish to again.

Her casket is lowered as we say our final goodbyes.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked sadly

I just sniff not being able to bring myself to even mutter a word

I begin to cry and jimin whispered sweet nothings into my ear as he comforts me in his warm embrace .

The ride home was silent , everyone's doing their own relfelectins trying to comprehend what had went on...

I was brought here I knew no one,I was alone and afraid I made enemies and friends lost people I hated and loved. I found a family who care and protect me. I may not be like them and I may struggle to love in this society but you cant expect anything less in the year 3000.


Authors note:
Jesus christ guys I cant believe we've come to an end... I started writing this book when I was like 12... im 15 now 😭
Life has been so busy but I'm glad I can now give you guys closure with this ending (I'm sorry its so bad )
I love you all mwah♡♡

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