chapter 16 💙

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"aha guys I've found where she is the tracker signal is coming from ***
We need to go now " taehyun says

They all let out a sigh of release finally knowing were she is but time is very limited they don't know what minji or her dad are planning to do to her

"We can't just turn up all willy nilly just blasting through the door like we have superpowers we need to gear up" yoongi says

"Do you guys remember how to use a gun" taehyun says smirking

"Fuck yeah we do" jimin says getting up from his seat

"Well what are we waiting for?.. " taehyun says


"I'm taking you back with me but for now you shall stay chained in this room" he say cuffing y/N to the wall

"Hey! What do I get out of this I'm the one that even kidnaped her in the first place " minji complaines

"Shut up you are annoying me , I might as well take you with then everyone will for sure believe me " he says grabbing minji before cuffing her to the wall next to y/n as minji protests and fights back failing in the process

He then leave the room slamming the door behind him, silence soon filling the cold brick room

"Great now I'm stuck in here with you " minji scowls

"You say that as if it's my fault it's your big mouth that got you stuck in here actually! And it's YOU that got me in this position in the first place."

"No! You put yourself into this position you are the person when you decided to show up at my school , you stole my boyfriend and my friends , who do you think you are " minji shouted hissing at you with her teeth full on show

"Do you think my plan was to turn up whoever knows how long into the future into a school of hybrids no minji that was not part of the script heck I didn't even know where I was how do you think I felt bring thrown into a new environment with poeple haven't seen before , I didn't steal your friends they were never your friends but your ego was to high for you to notice , those boys are probably the closest family I've ever had heck probably the only family I've ever had I haven't met them for a long time but heck they've showed me more love in the time I've been here than my parents have given me in my whole life time , and I didn't steal your boyfriend he just realised how much of a bitch you are and left on his own will that's not my problem " you explained not really in the mood to talk but you were done with her bullshit

"You think your the only one that's had it tough my best friend died , she was the only person I had , the only one who understood me the only one that listened and now shes gone , I don't have anyone anymore especially since jimin is gone now " her eyes shiny with tears threatening to come out

Who knew this bitch had feelings ?

" Im sorry for your loss , jungkook told me about it " you sympathetically said

She just nodded , wrapping herself in her tail comfortingly

" Im sorry for what i did to you " minji said slicing the once thick silence in the room

"Its okay " you smiled

Did you hate her yes , was she a pain in thd neck , Frick yeh but she also had her own share of problems , fighting would non you anywhere

Shots and Noises of commotion echoed through the room .

"What's that !?" Minji said startled by the sounds

"I- I don't know ... Minji I'm scared "

"Me too"

You and minji both turned your head looking at the door handle that was rattling , someone was trying to get in but who


Sorry for the short chapter :( I'm sorry iv never had such a bad writer's block so I haven't posted in ages thank you for all the votes 🥺 sadly the next chapter will b the last chapter of this book or maybe it won't I'm not sure myself actually I'll just go with the flow . ~rey ❤️

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