Chapter Nine | Sleep Tonight

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An hour later and Carly, Lauren and I were all snuggled in Lauren's bed, talking. I told them all about Austin and how he had asked me to go out with him, to which they had both squealed and promised to help me get ready the next day.

"I wish I had as many guys trying to get with me as you do!" Carly joked, throwing popcorn at me which immediately got tangled in my hair. I untangled myself from the blankets and sat up, shaking all the kernels loose.

"I would say the same, but Tyler's pretty awesome," Lauren giggled, making us groan.

"Oh my god. Don't even start, Lauren." I warned against her boyfriend gushing.

"She can't help it," we looked up and saw Tyler come in, "I'm just so dreamy and perfect." He pretended to fan his face dramatically.

Lauren grinned, not even denying his words. My face wrinkled up in disgust and Carly threw popcorn at Tyler when he leaned down and heavily kissed Lauren.

"Hey ease up on the popcorn throwing!" Lauren said, picking up stray pieces and throwing them back at her, which all landed on me because I was in the middle.

"As soon as you ease up on the PDA! Tonight is just a girls night, so get the hell out!" Carly demanded.

Tyler straightened up and flashed her a gleaming white smile, "Chill out Car, Trent and I are about to head out to a party."

"Hey, no flirting with my friends!" Lauren yelled jokingly.

"Babe, I think we both know you're the only one that does it for me," he said suggestively, winking.

Carly and I made fake gagging noises while Lauren's face flamed.

"Ty, let's get the fuck outta here," A deep voice yelled.

"Hold on!" Tyler hollered back.

Trent stuck his head through the doorway and our eyes immediately met. Staring at him reminded me of earlier that afternoon and, strangely, my stomach fluttered at the memory. I realized my mouth had been slightly parted when something was suddenly shoved into it.

I choked and spit out the unexpected handful of popcorn, glaring hatefully at the undoubted culprit: Carly.

"I had to get your attention somehow, you were too busy staring at Trent," she said loudly and shrugged.

I couldn't help a fleeting glance to the doorway where Trent still stood, looking back at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I was not staring! I was...thinking about something." I defended myself.

Carly just smirked, obviously not believing me. Even I had to admit to myself that my argument was weak.

Tyler and Lauren remained oblivious to this whole conversation, still teasing each other and laughing. Finally he blew her a kiss and backed out of the room. I pretended to study the fabric of my fluffy, penguin pajama pants without looking up until I was sure they left.

"You know we could go to a party too," Carly offered to us, "I know of at least three that are going on tonight."

"Hell no," Lauren moaned, "Trent's gonna show up trashed some time tonight, so I have to be the responsible, sober one."

I was so glad Lauren wasn't up for a party, because that would mean I would be forced to come along. I've only been to a highschool party once and it was an awful experience. I was sitting on a couch alone for two hours, while my boyfriend at the time, Jace, had abandoned me and gotten drunk.

But I didn't mention any of this, I just fake yawned and said, "Yeah I don't feel like it either."

Carly frowned, her pink, glossy lips turning down in a pout. "You guys are so lame. Whatever, let's get a movie going."

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